Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ib 's Club was similar to the others she 'd visited , but more so , Gina decided a few minutes later as wearily she followed Rune into its depths : deeper , darker , more packed , the music more rawly evocative .
2 It was Mr. Newman 's submission that the matters to which regard should be had in the present case were ( 1 ) the lapse of time between the commission of the alleged offences and the request for extradition , and ( 2 ) the fact that the accusation against the applicant was contrary to the interests of justice , in that it would lead to the trial of the applicant in Sweden on the basis of the record of Price 's evidence , despite the fact that Price had subsequently retracted that evidence in this country in so far as it implicated the applicant .
3 To confirm that the increased cytotoxicity was due to the interactions between the Fc portion of IgG and the Fc receptor on the effector cells , Staphylococcus aureus protein A was added to the ADCC assay .
4 If the well had been in the centre of an ash grove ever since it was discovered , it is no wonder that it was deemed sacred , for ash was holy to the ancients .
5 Section 24 may also be used by a hotelier who is prosecuted under s.14 where the overbooking was due to the actions or default of the receptionist or reception manager and was not part of the hotelier 's policy .
6 At the festivals of Dionysus , or Bacchus , wine was central to the proceedings .
7 In addition , it proved to be very difficult for the Council to acquire land in suitable areas to provide alternative building sites for applicants whose first choice of site was unacceptable to the planners and the Planning Committee
8 In July 1932 the plaintiff was indebted to the defendants in the sum of £208 odd for costs under a judgment and order .
9 The room was off-limits to the children .
10 Behaviour was subject to the decrees of custom and this led to a strong emphasis on pragmatism and the averting of any confrontation .
11 The request ( 5:1 ) : this seems less than the whole truth ; but it is in the nature of a test-case , Israel had to leave Egypt in order to sacrifice because the nature of their sacrifice was offensive to the Egyptians ( 8:26 ) .
12 This element of control over entry to the trade was crucial to the prospects of artisan unions .
13 Professional advice was important to the MPs fighting the Representation of the People Bill and National Union committees began to meet again at every level to discuss the Bill 's consequences for the party .
14 Though in theory taking life was contrary to the tenets of Buddhism , it was considered more shocking to kill animals for other persons , or for their hides , than to kill for a meal .
15 This attack was important to the Germans .
16 Neele was ultra-sensitive to the proprieties and was particularly preoccupied with keeping undesirables away from the Queen , even though these sometimes included notabilities .
17 The National Council for Voluntary Organisations said that while much of the SORP was appropriate to the needs of larger charities , it feared those with incomes of less than £100,000 a year may ignore it because of the extra administration , cost and complexity it involved .
18 This subject was close to the hearts of all present as the provision of such homes was one of the agreed objectives of the BDDA .
19 In some areas the link with professional employment was integral to the courses taught — teacher and medical education exemplify this par excellence — but employers have never been very far away from the design and validation of courses in the ‘ public sector ’ .
20 The city was used to the incursions of travelling tumblers , magicians , quack doctors , actors , and other undesirable elements , especially during the Fairs .
21 A shady jeweller would want to know that , but the answer was helpful to the police whose next task after recovering the goods and identifying those handling them was to trace the true owners and discover when the theft had occurred .
22 Barley was useful to the villagers as a source of transport , of money and of continual amusement through his language-learning efforts and his uncomprehending questioning .
23 It was not Gandhi 's intention when he originally decided to fast to exert moral coercion on the mill-owners , since coercion in any form was contrary to the aims of satyāgraha , yet despite the unexpected result of his fast Gandhi still felt that he had acted correctly in the circumstances.m The experience did not prevent him either from using fasts as a form of satyāgraha on other occasions with similar results .
24 The corporation said ‘ full consideration ’ would be given to Boyd 's conclusions that Grimethorpe colliery could be viable , but it added : ‘ Such an analysis was contrary to the indications from recent performance and likely prospects at that mine . ’
25 The House of Lords held that the question whether the conduct was prejudicial to the interests of the state was for the court and not for the jury .
26 This tavern was well-known to the police
27 Those testing to these abuses often explained that their treatment was due to the intrigues of local government officials , who were accusing them of collaboration with the Contras .
28 In seconds the cockpit was full to the coamings .
29 Some of the Eclair exercises were faulty in the sense that the tape support was superfluous to the children who had done it already .
30 According to the Independent on Sunday of Aug. 25 , the delay in taking this decision was due to the efforts of Gen. Varennikov , who had offered not to interfere in Ukrainian affairs if Ukraine accepted SCSE government .
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