Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [adj] of the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She laughed , falling in with his mood while being legged up , but instead of forgetting the incident her mind was full of the moments she 'd spent in his arms .
2 But the crucial thing he had n't told us was that his girlfriend was one of the operators involved in the ring , and he 'd just had a big row with her .
3 Vee was one of the acts who took Holly 's place at a concert on the night he was killed , and a pop manager spotted him and signed him up .
4 An annual further education programme was one of the things which became possible thanks to the availability of full-time professional staff .
5 Johan was one of the patrons at the Bath Festival when we met .
6 A more severe music critic was one of the cats owned by Frenchman C.C. Pierquin de Gembloux .
7 Gyford ( 1985b , p. 27 ) goes so far as to suggest that local government reorganization was one of the reasons for moves to the left outside London , where older councillors were replaced not by the hoped for technocrats waiting in the wings , but instead often by representatives of Labour 's new left .
8 Some writers went on to argue that attracting high ability youngsters into manufacturing industry was one of the conditions for a regeneration of the British economy .
9 His desk was clear of the papers that were memorized and locked in his personal safe .
10 Along with Francois Truffaut , Claude Chabrol and other contributors , he became a director himself , and the brilliance of their early work was one of the reasons their views became so firmly enshrined .
11 Nashville Skyline was one of the albums he put out after his motorcycle accident , from which the critics concluded that he must have somehow injured his brain …
12 Case management was one of the requirements .
13 The Committee was one of the stalwarts of the Scott stable five years ago when he was landing hurdling prizes .
14 Each committee was aware of the dangers of individual or mass arrest , and contingency plans were made for the automatic replacement of committee members should they be arrested .
15 Green was one of the forerunners of the Garden City Movement .
16 The chairman of the council was one of the victims losing his seat to the Liberal Democrats .
17 An association spokesman said it was vital the borough council was aware of the problems being encountered .
18 Another rider who fell off when in contention was one of the favourites Phillip McCallen who left the race at Church Corner , Portrush on lap three .
19 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
20 An intelligentsia was one of the byproducts , ranging from priests to teachers , journalists and writers .
21 This accident was one of the factors which prompted the then Labour government to decide that the new oxide fuel plant should be subjected to a full-scale public inquiry .
22 Dedication to the job was one of the factors in the break up of Mr Souness 's marriage .
23 The farmhouse was one of the homes of the Sandys family .
24 The feast was one of the highlights of the 10-year-old prince 's stay on a ranch in Montana .
25 The only evidence which seemed at the time to offer any reliable dating was that of the coins which were of sufficient interest to the nineteenth-century antiquarians for them to be recorded , although rarely in detail .
26 The match was reminiscent of the problems of schools ' football — the big school with 11 good players will always beat the village school which has only six or seven .
27 The Alliss match was one of the highlights of an occasion which , since it started in 1985 , has developed into one of the finest events on the golfing calendar .
28 Caraway seed cake was one of the staples of the Victorian teatable ; you either adored or hated the taste of the little black seeds .
29 The Geological Survey was one of the very few organizations employing men of science in Britain — Greenwich Observatory was one of the others — but their status was about that of clerks in the Civil Service , and this rankled .
30 Pittenweem was one of the burghs which favoured Alexander , although if it had favoured Anstruther , it would have been three to two .
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