Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] for the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The lads were tremendous and the club was run for the players .
2 The most passionate prejudice was reserved for the Jews .
3 Dobbs flight was headed for Birmingham airport , but police are in no doubt the cocaine was intended for the streets of Gloucester .
4 An acute shortage of cotton had already reduced the civil hospitals to using bandages made of paper , and it was hardly surprising that there was also a human shortage in the country , so that soon after the Somme conscription of labour was decreed for the ages of seventeen to sixty .
5 A problem of continuity of workload was posed for the lawyers ( Carlin 1962 ; Galanter 1974 ) .
6 During this stage quadratic harmonic potentials were included for the covalent geometry , a square-well quadratic term was used for the distances and dihedral restraints , and a quartic potential was used for the van der Waals term ( F- repel ) .
7 But the Queen , horrified to learn that her favourite son 's marriage was heading for the rocks , could not utter the words of comfort the agonised redhead most needed to hear .
8 Its influence was analysed for the preparations with very low mucosal concentrations ( Dipentum ( n=6 ) , Salazopyrine ( n=4 ) Claversal 250 mg tablets ( n=3 ) ) .
9 The original coal and iron concerns of Butterley were expanded , and engineering work was undertaken for the railways .
10 This time the dish was repeated for the guests and the Shah had an artichoke .
11 Later , when schoolboy Alex Choudury , nine , presented Naina with a painting , her spontaneous kiss on his cheek was repeated for the cameras .
12 A jar was found for the snowdrops , then she made her way to the office , where she opened a bag of mail and sorted what were obviously accounts , from private letters .
13 Once oxygen and nitrogen appeared , the groundwork was laid for the beginnings of vegetation .
14 A $9 million charge was included for the costs of the October 17 earthquake .
15 The only way to change the Court was to wait for the justices ( of whom there were nine ) either to die or retire , and appoint replacements who would support the New Deal .
16 Broad peaks were observed in these regions in d5'GMP at 7.2°C , although no assignment was reported for the peaks near 10p.p.m ..
17 The parade was organised for the players and the public but the day was even more special for 13-year-old Julian Stewart , a sufferer of cerebral palsy .
18 When a signal was given for the ladies to retire , leaving the men to their port and cigars , Sarah hurried to the kitchen , scurrying like a rabbit for shelter .
19 Nevertheless , by not extending the underskull over the chin , and by covering the lower part of the mask fabric in hair , enough jaw movement was permitted for the actors to convey speech with some realism .
20 A lively indication of the ways in which ivory could minister to the complex life-style of a young Egyptian ruler is provided by finds from the tomb of Tutankhamun who reigned during the mid-fourteenth century B.C. Apart from furnishing armlets and bracelets ivory was used for the handles of the king 's walking-stick , ostrich feather fan and whip .
21 The same method was applied for the ends of the coach and the partitions .
22 The final act of this Keele was to ballot for the sessions for Keele 1994 .
23 The money that er we raised in the Soviet Union was intended for the families of miners who had suffered as a result of the strike .
24 No reason was given for the changes .
25 No official reason was given for the dismissals but commentators interpreted them as adding to the shift of power from the police to the Army .
26 Men , men , mentioned here by our friend , that Leicestershire has got no business to discuss about fox hunting , we are not elusive , there are other county councils who have banned fox hunting on their land , so do not make this as a sacrosanct and or something that Leicestershire are doing , they are not doing first , there are so many other county councils in this country and for your information , I was listening to radio four few days ago , even in Pakistan , a third world country , is banning hunting in their country , we should be ashamed of ourselves here to discuss , I agree with Councillor when the discussion start and he said move for the ward , because the logical thing was to move for the wards rather than discuss , if we all believe that this is horrible , acrimonious and abhorrent in today 's day and age , as the slavery was abhorred two hundred years ago .
27 Loretta was paying for the tickets at the cash desk when she felt a hand on her shoulder .
28 He had narrowly beaten the Nigerian novelist , Chinua Achebe in May 1989 at the historic congress in Maastrich when the Soviet Union rejoined the writers ' international organization after opposing PEN for nearly seventy years , and the way was opened for the Czechs and Slovaks to rejoin .
29 But when allowance was made for the influences of all the other planets on Mercury then there was a residual precession unaccounted for of 43′ per century , as shown for 200 centuries in Figure 7.1 .
30 The school was extended to accommodate the increased number of children and an additional school was built for the infants .
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