Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reply was murmured into the string of turquoise shark 's teeth she wore round her neck .
2 Soon after , thanks largely to the endeavours of India 's finest ornithologist , Salim Ali , the ex-Maharajah 's swamp was turned into a sanctuary unequalled in Asia .
3 Her mind was locked into a vision of Nathan , his bronzed body gleaming with oil and sweat as he ran in silent relentless pursuit of his terrified prey .
4 The first was called Smiths Mill , although the mill pond was converted into a reservoir and the site became the Water Works .
5 At the same time maximum uncertainty was built into the party constitution with the introduction of eight vice-presidential posts .
6 The East India Company later gained a monopoly to deal with the North Americans , but resentment caused the colonists to rebel against the traders and at the Boston Tea Party , the shipment of tea was thrown into the harbour by the rebels .
7 The brook was diverted into the mill race , which is now dry , but can easily be followed , around a quarter mile from the mill , and was controlled by a now defunct sluice gate .
8 Shelton 's photograph was fed into the network and transmitted to a scanning device .
9 One µl of extract was injected into a column of 20% neopentenyl-glycolsuccinate on Gaschrom Q 80–100 mesh , and SCFA concentrations calculated using internal standards .
10 The Crown say her car was pushed into the water after her husband had battered her to death and locked her in the boot .
11 You trying to say a car was sucked into the building ?
12 Sacher 's car was lifted into the air by the violence of the explosion , its sides were torn off .
13 Newton Aycliffe police investigating an incident when a stolen car was smashed into a policeman 's house last week say they have had good response from their appeal for witnesses and are waiting for forensic test results .
14 In the first five patients and patient 12 a percutaneous transhepatic catheter was placed into the portal vein to act as a target for the transjugular needle .
15 Fortune duly gave way to forfeit ; the cars were sold , the duck marsh was turned into a bird sanctuary and the only tigers left in Bharatpur are stuffed .
16 Did you tell your , aye thank God , did you tell your daddy the er the big fella was looking into the bin today ?
17 The boat was drifting into the current , the long poles dipping in the dark water and pushing her away .
18 Their only recourse was to crowd into the slum areas around .
19 Bill always used to say , I remember talking to Bill one night at er , at a conference , and his ambition was to walk into every depot at nine o'clock on a morning , and not see a parcel .
20 The old men 's dayroom was converted into a casualty reception station , where the injured were brought before going to the wards or the operating theatre .
21 But whereas film industries as vital as the French or American could absorb this new development , the British industry was put into a straitjacket by it .
22 And then the drawbridge was falling , with a clanking and a whirring of machinery and the light was pouring into the courtyard and the Gnomes were cheering and the giants were nodding to one another , and there was nothing for it but to ride away with Snodgrass , with Balor loping along at their side , with Fenella behind in the hands of the Gruagach .
23 The last of the light was flowing into the horizon .
24 It stared at me for a few seconds , then the lens flashed again , a key was put into the lock , bolts were drawn and the door was opened .
25 The better approach would have been for the company to insist that an express term was inserted into the contract to the effect that the computer to be acquired must be compatible with the existing equipment .
26 In some circumstances , a commercial party may be able to invoke doctrines such as economic duress , that an oppressive term was introduced into a contract without adequate notification , or that another owes it a fiduciary duty .
27 Ahead of them a burly figure was emerging into the street .
28 Since daylight was flooding into the world , I was able to stay at a distance and keep him in sight .
29 Captain Faulknor 's worst fears were realised : they were in shoal water , position not known , and the wind was increasing into a gale .
30 Dot was put into a bed with high sides .
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