Example sentences of "[noun sg] is that it be [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The point Bourdieu makes versus structural anthropology is that it is not the marriage rule ( or genealogy ) that counts , but the economic and political strategies of the lineage .
2 Note that a difficulty in the interpretation of such a study is that it is not clear what the objective frequencies of the various information types would actually have been .
3 The dilemma is that it is not self-evident what the primary causes of this phenomena are .
4 Its only disadvantage is that it is n't as quite as easy as plugging in a coprocessor card .
5 A disadvantage is that it is not always easy to ensure that a student gains ‘ core ’ knowledge of the subject .
6 The only criticism one might make of the Labour party 's proposal is that it is not large enough .
7 The problem with the law is that it is n't always easy to defend .
8 Another major difference between Leapor 's ‘ Crumble Hall ’ and other poems of this type is that it is not a panegyric .
9 Our philosophy is that it 's not just conjuring twenty five thousand pounds out of the air , it 's actually changing the way the Corn Exchange is and we feel strongly about that but we are not going to waste your time going through all that .
10 Looking at the original piece , one 's first reaction is that it is not good .
11 So as you said the danger is that it 's not balanced for our delegates and the ideal is that we want the combination of all four .
12 The danger is that it is not enough , particularly after so many months of failing to respond to the economic crisis .
13 The biggest single difficulty in drawing attention to urban poverty is that it is not new , but simply — in some of its most worrying manifestations — getting worse .
14 The underlying point is that it is not every act of provocation which should be allowed to reduce murder to manslaughter , but only those serious enough to unbalance the behaviour of a person with reasonable self-control .
15 However that may be , the striking point is that it is not the law of trusts which is leading the way to generous interpretation here , but instead the civil law .
16 The first point is that it is not only the super-ego which is internalized — that is , taken over by identification from cathected social objects — but that there are involved other important components which presumably must be included in the ego — namely , the system of cognitive categorizations of the object world and the system of expressive symbolism .
17 The point is that it is not just a case of drawing circles around thinkers whose stance one may happen to approve .
18 The essence of the fringe body is that it is not so responsible for some or all of its actions .
19 The key notion is that it is not events themselves which produce depression , but their meaning to the individual person .
20 The joy of this procedure is that it is not laborious .
21 ‘ The hardest part of being a fat person is that it 's not just your imagination that tells you you do n't count .
22 The real problem with formal education is that it is n't meant to make everyone almost equally successful .
23 The thing about art is that it is n't just a nostalgic wallowing in things of the past that are comfortable , but art as an adventure , and one just has to go along with it .
24 Basically our belief is that it is not possible to make a profit .
25 What must be accepted at the very basis of any enquiry is that it is not , as Taylor puts it , " a command , as in conventional search strategy , but rather as a description of an area of doubt in which the question is open-ended , negotiable and dynamic . "
26 The special and attractive character of the Ortiz collection is that it is not just an assemblage of objects but the coherent vision of a man who believes that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that the collector is as creative as the artist .
27 Minsky is making an interesting and important point here and I shall refer back to it , but for the moment the quotation functions purely as a sample : what it has in common with Turing 's classic paper is that it is not philosophical argument at all .
28 One weakness of Rationality and Relativism is that it is not always clear that the various authors interpret relativism in the same way .
29 Another complaint is that it is not clear that all the matters discussed in part III , perception , memory , induction and a priori knowledge , are forms of knowledge .
30 One of the problems created by this hidden nature of learning is that it is not clear whether or not the same process is involved in widely different activities .
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