Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [adv] [vb pp] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the attacker 's foot lifts from the ground , the defender is immediately warned that a kick is coming .
2 For example , where a party to a contract has a power or discretion , and this affects the rights of other parties , a term is frequently implied that the power will be exercised in a reasonable manner , or at any rate not arbitrarily or capriciously .
3 Your point is well taken that a percentage of those will go on to a transmural infarct , but I have difficulty in understanding these figures in relation to an expected mortality for sub-endocardial infarction of around 5–6% .
4 Yet if the dances of Vera and Natalia in A Month in the Country and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet are examined it will be discovered how the technical content is so designed that the steps , poses and gestures show how changing circumstances are affecting the individuals .
5 The claim is sometimes made that the capacity of British industry to achieve higher absolute levels of investment has been weakened by declining rates of profit [ Flemming et al. , 1976 ] .
6 In such a setting , too , conversation is more likely to be encouraged if the furniture is so arranged that the interviewee and the interviewer are not physically separated by a desk ; that the chairs are reasonably comfortable and in a position to allow eye contact ; and that there are no unplanned interruptions .
7 The assumption is always made that a school of tuna is swimming underneath the dolphins .
8 The assumption is commonly made that the decisions to be taken in caring for such patients , the therapeutic strategy to be adopted , are wholly medical matters , and thus wholly for the doctors to make , with or without discussion with the patient .
9 The assumption is often made that the best form of library instruction can be given by the personalized service at the reference desk .
10 The suggestion is often made that a couple should not be treated as if they were living as husband and wife unless the man is actually giving the woman financial support .
11 Even within a relatively short time ( 5–10 years ) a situation may develop wherein the economic gain is sufficiently diminished that the enterprise becomes self-destructive as the environmental costs increase .
12 Bearwood is so designed that the ladies get no closer to the offices than the door between the transverse and the butler 's corridor .
13 That the phenomenon of demographic transition exists is unquestionable though , nowadays , the timescale of change is so condensed that the metamorphosis of a developing country may appear superficially different from that of eighteenth-century Europe .
14 Tiriac is still miffed that the ATP final did not come to Stuttgart : ‘ The ATP told me to join the auction , but I am too good to have to do that . ’
15 The view is also heard that the suburban bureau staffed by middle-class middle-aged women wearing twin-sets and pearls can provide no more than a signposting agency and can not provide the in-depth advice , casework and tribunal representation that full-time paid staff can .
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