Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [adv] [verb] [coord] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The president is finely educated and is capable of talking like a professor and behaving like a despot .
2 The figure facing the monster is also horned and is thrusting his spear into a snake-like head , three arms droop down having been similarly despatched .
3 Inside , the triforium is often omitted or is just a decorative band , while the nave arcade is of great importance .
4 The increased recent trend of more adults studying in their own community is greatly welcomed and is exactly what the White Paper seeks to underline .
5 It is a while since the BCU have been involved with making films but the comeback is well handled and is a quality film , making up in the information supplied on what it lacks on the American squirt films .
6 In such a case , a sideshoot is always used and is literally torn off the parent stem so that a sliver or " heel " of bark and inner tissue is still attached to the cutting .
7 Although the wheel has gone , the millpond is well maintained and is home to a great assortment of wildlife .
8 Conflict is either avoided or is allowed to develop into open warfare .
9 The papillary area is commonly affected and is therefore the area where biopsies are usually carried out .
10 Is the department a marginal service for which the overhead commitment is already made or is it to recover all its costs , including capital ?
11 Once a man is sexually aroused and is quite it is quite difficult to stop is n't it ?
12 His entire performance is magnificently unsettling and is no sense the Liszt Sonata of received wisdom .
13 The cutting edge is also rounded and is reasonably but not dangerously sharp .
14 Cerebral blood flow is better maintained but is still less than 30% of normal .
15 As such , the subject is never disembodied but is always a body .
16 Well the the the actual book is already started and is sitting
17 Professionally-based community care is here to stay and is increasingly needed , backed by access to respite and long stay hospice beds and acute ward facilities .
18 ‘ Delay in the conduct of civil proceedings occurs at three main stages , namely : ( i ) before proceedings are commenced ; ( ii ) between the commencement of proceedings and the point where the case is either settled or is ready for trial ; and ( iii ) between readiness for trial and the trial itself . ’
19 The deck is beautifully drawn and is a tribute to the author 's programming ability .
20 The relationship between objectives and evaluation and assessment is clearly stated and is practically based .
21 The hotel is fully licenses and is approved by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board , AA and RAC .
22 A braille option is also supplied and is easily fitted if required .
23 Her son is still studying and is two years beyond matriculation .
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