Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [conj] it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most wonderful things about religion is that it 's always there waiting for us .
2 The result is that it is very complex ; in addition , I must note that quite a few words are given stress patterns that I do not feel are acceptable in present-day English .
3 The point Bourdieu makes versus structural anthropology is that it is not the marriage rule ( or genealogy ) that counts , but the economic and political strategies of the lineage .
4 Note that a difficulty in the interpretation of such a study is that it is not clear what the objective frequencies of the various information types would actually have been .
5 The problem is obviously one of deciding how to appraise the evidence presented to us , and the difficulty of the informal interview is that it is so hard to appraise .
6 My experience in 14 years of practice is that it is virtually impossible to instigate disciplinary procedures such as the protection afforded workers by their trades union agreements .
7 The minor irritation on returning to the car is that it is directly in front of you as you descend to the north , but there is nowhere to cross the river .
8 The dilemma is that it is not self-evident what the primary causes of this phenomena are .
9 Its only disadvantage is that it is n't as quite as easy as plugging in a coprocessor card .
10 A disadvantage is that it is not always easy to ensure that a student gains ‘ core ’ knowledge of the subject .
11 The disadvantage is that it is considerably more work , though you may save money .
12 One crucial characteristic of sovereignty is that it is apparently indivisible .
13 The only criticism one might make of the Labour party 's proposal is that it is not large enough .
14 The struggle systematically to open up the domestic and intimate relations of the normal kin-based nuclear household is premised on the belief that what is chiefly at fault with the conventional family household is that it is excessively closed and rigid .
15 One of the advantages of using an instantaneous gas water heater is that it is much more efficient than using a gas central heating boiler to heat the water in a storage cistern particularly in the summer .
16 All that science could say is : The universe is as it is now because it was as it was then .
17 The problem with the law is that it is n't always easy to defend .
18 Another major difference between Leapor 's ‘ Crumble Hall ’ and other poems of this type is that it is not a panegyric .
19 The question is whether it is really adaptable .
20 Our philosophy is that it 's not just conjuring twenty five thousand pounds out of the air , it 's actually changing the way the Corn Exchange is and we feel strongly about that but we are not going to waste your time going through all that .
21 My position on what 's happening in the women 's movement at the moment is that it 's really in dire need of reconstruction , and that there would be no possibility of having a sort of joint togetherness as it were with Black women and white women because of some of the things that have been mentioned already — the racism that exists , the fact that feminism as a guiding ideological force remains a sort of tool of imperialism .
22 I 'm never sure Madam actually when is the right place is but it 's certainly not now , erm Madam Deputy Speaker .
23 Looking at the original piece , one 's first reaction is that it is not good .
24 A feature of the jazz chord is that it is often conceived as a small and highly mobile unit .
25 So as you said the danger is that it 's not balanced for our delegates and the ideal is that we want the combination of all four .
26 The danger is that it is not enough , particularly after so many months of failing to respond to the economic crisis .
27 The biggest single difficulty in drawing attention to urban poverty is that it is not new , but simply — in some of its most worrying manifestations — getting worse .
28 The second limitation is that it is only occam processes that may be transformed : the laws do not apply to guarded processes or conditionals , even when they have the same syntax as processes .
29 The only reason that , that you 're using a different clef is that it 's actually putting middle C in a different place .
30 One advantage of a card file is that it is very easy to pick up handful of cards and flip through them in odd five minutes in order to memorise some new words .
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