Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [adv] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Association is still reeling from the news of the unexpected death of its chief executive and secretary Andrew Sansom at the end of November .
2 IT looks like the partnership is again heading for the rocks .
3 ‘ So how do you feel about the fact that a ring is currently operating in the club ? ’
4 It is in Britain , however , that loyalist violence is really damaging to the cause to which it is presumably dedicated .
5 ‘ I like to think my experience is a vital factor in midfield because obviously the side is still developing with the introduction of new players .
6 As you may be aware the Inland Revenue is currently looking into the tax affairs of the Catholic Clergy in Scotland .
7 The roaring is extremely exhausting for the animals and the one that can keep it up for longest is also likely to be the strongest .
8 First of all , the person concerned is already thinking about the problem and how to overcome it , so the subconscious mind is already working on the situation , whether one is aware of it or not .
9 The technical training department is currently working on the issue of competency assurance which is required by the new Safety Case Regulations .
10 The future is not interfering with the past ; instead , it is fulfilling its obligations , as it were , by bringing about events that have already been reported .
11 The GIA is now working on a study to evaluate the potential threat to platforms from future mud volcano eruptions .
12 While the balance of research is slowly shifting from the US , Britain and a few other European nations and toward the Pacific rim , change in this area will come quite slowly .
13 the new boat is just arriving in the showroom … only these two have been launched so far … it 's taken just over a year to design and develop …
14 This gap is still letting in the wind ; he can not see distinct segments of time past .
15 If the applicant is not applying for a grant there is no obligation to consult .
16 The currently fashionable and oft repeated litany is that although the world air transport industry is presently going through a fundamental and painful period of change , this will ultimately lead to a new and improved deployment of resources , through the creation of far fewer but infinitely larger air carriers .
17 It sees no problem with adding the Alpha architecture to the MIPS Computer Systems Inc and Intel Corp-based systems it currently offers , a trail that DEC is already blazing in any case , but it has to figure out whether and how it will be able to address the window of opportunity it reckons the industry is now creating with the latest round of hardware and software announcements , and of course , how deep it would have to dig into its back pocket .
18 U/V light is potentially damaging to the eyes , and you should never look directly at a lit-up tube .
19 Such action is certainly lacking at the moment .
20 Phena thinks recent developments entitle her to a newer , bigger house , which she expects me to pay for , with pleasure , despite the fact that the wedding is already running into a fortune .
21 For many years Iceland and New Zealand have used geysers and aquifers to provide space and water heating and in Britain research work that began in 1973 on hot dry rock is still continuing at the Camborne School of Mines , Cornwall .
22 But the inspector has upheld the council 's view that the range is visually damaging to the area .
23 Misting plants with a hand-held sprayer is highly effective , although it has to be done regularly , preferably early in the day when the sun is n't shining on the leaves to avoid scorch .
24 One possibility is that the Sun is currently going through a ‘ quiescent ’ phase : the nuclear reactions at its core are continuing just sufficiently to keep our star shining , but no more than that ; in due course the Sun will get back to ‘ business as usual ’ .
25 And further : ‘ Economically , ’ a governor of California declared , ‘ the sun is now rising in the West . ’
26 Metaphorically , we can imagine theoretical astronomers breathing a sigh of relief and saying ‘ Oh , so the Sun is only shrinking by a tenth of a second of arc per century , not a full arc second after all .
27 Yes and at the same time your colleague er Constable is also sheltering behind the shield .
28 Important work is also progressing in the recognition of engineering drawings for both the lines of the drawings and for text found on the diagrams ( Waite , 1989 ; Dori , 1991 ; Lysak and Kasturi , 1991 ) , and of musical notation ( Fahmy and Blostein , 1991 ) .
29 Early work is often missing from an artist 's oeuvre , while student work or juvenilia may be saved only by chance or possibly by a devoted family .
30 ‘ A significant amount of contract work is now developing as a result of this activity , ’ said Alex Montgomery .
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