Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [verb] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 A. The high reputation of Sheffield cutlery is known all over the world .
2 They 're drawn to her eccentric style and now her work is exhibited all over the country .
3 I am happy to add my voice to that of the hon. Gentleman to ensure that the facility is understood all over the country .
4 Processing is shared out over the network ; connections , once made , are remembered and become knowledge .
5 Aquaprivy : With this system the squatting slab is positioned directly over the septic tank and the inlet pipe extends below the water level in the tank .
6 The impact is felt all over the profession and not just by the larger firms .
7 But the furniture is made all over the place although 's our best maker and he 's up in Scotland .
8 Although Shaker has become fashionable and ‘ Shaker style ’ furniture is appearing all over the place , very little of it bears much relation to the real thing .
9 The drive is applied equally over the whole diaphragm area so that piston-like motion takes place , avoiding break-up resonance modes and maintaining phase linearity .
10 Expel a few drops of 3:1 fixative ( methanol:glacial acetic acid ) from another fine pipette whose tip is brought just over the microdrop containing the egg .
11 A swing can only occur if the tail is sliding sideways over the ground .
12 This shirt is put on over the head and does not surround the body in one piece but is fastened at the back .
13 For example , people paid £100 per week , whose expenditure is spread evenly over the week and who spend all the £100 by the end of the week , will have roughly £50 ( in the bank or in cash ) on average : that is , mid-way between pay days .
14 Most of us have no idea how much we actually pay for services , because in fact we do buy parts at odd times when they are needed , so the cost is spread out over the year .
15 As land is passed on over the generations , it gradually ceases to be a viable unit .
16 This myth is believed all over the world despite the fact that the weight of the armour makes it impossible for the clam to close rapidly .
17 Liquid or granulated , sugar by the tanker load is delivered all over the UK in a fleet of sparkling liveried vehicles , for use in soft drinks , confectionery and canned foods .
18 After the glue has been applied to both edges of each segment and they are assembled , the banding clamp is dropped down over the assembly and tightened until the joints close up tightly .
19 It has two components : a quoted margin above ( although sometimes below ) the reference rate , and a capital gain or loss element which is calculated under the assumption that the difference between the current price of the FRN and the maturity value is spread evenly over the remaining life of the FRN .
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