Example sentences of "[noun sg] it be [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 When a potential customer is partaking in a demonstration it is easier for the salesperson to ask questions in order to ascertain buying behaviour .
2 Secondly , while it wishes pupils to experience freedom , in practice it is easy for the teacher to determine the structure .
3 In practice it is usual for the new Emperor to be the son and heir of the old Emperor , as the Imperial family will use all its power and influence to prepare the way for its own candidate .
4 As a solo instrument it is admirable for the expression of poignant melodies or short expressive phrases , and is , of course , a sine qua non in music of a pastoral nature .
5 To obtain this private statute it is necessary for the local authority to promote a Bill in Parliament laid down by Parliament .
6 Under the Act it is possible for the purchaser to seek a court order against the vendors and the amount recoverable from any person shall be such as the court holds is just and equitable .
7 Firstly , under the 1987 Banking Act it is responsible for the supervision of those institutions comprising the monetary sector .
8 DUP councillor Sammy Wilson said at last week 's monthly meeting of the council it was unnecessary for the Lord Mayor to attend the Hong Kong trip as Belfast would be well represented by Laganisde board members , amongst others .
9 If the body is to remain at home it is advisable for the room to remain cool .
10 erm in general we must remember that Iran was erm stating very clearly that it was exporting it 's revolution and there were statements which came out from the Iraqui from the Irani revolutionary committee that they were against the Arab states at the time and that they were very committed towards liberating Israel through Baghdad and such statements was coming , so obviously erm the Arabs had to stick together according to charter of the league of Arab states , which everybody was a member of , and Iraq being subjected to war it was natural for the Arabs to give Iraq support .
11 Overflow and constipation Once it is detected that the child is showing severe constipation it is necessary for the impacted mass of faeces to be removed before the normal elimination training can take place .
12 During this period it was impossible for the government to introduce legislation that was unacceptable to both Liberals and the Nationalists .
13 On the latter point it is possible for the public to judge since proceedings in both houses of Parliament are now televised .
14 In either event it is usual for the seller to carefully review and identify the company 's liabilities and ensure that the purchaser 's assumption of those liabilities is included in the contract .
15 With the advent of the new technology of lasers and holography it was possible for the first time in history to build the ancient consciousness-raising symbols out of pure light .
16 So in theory it 's possible for the county solution at the end of the day to be not completely in line with what its constituent districts think .
17 In order to foster such a workforce it is essential for the whole community , including Education and Industry , to collaborate in supporting young people in their transition from school to work .
18 Held , dismissing both appeals , the tape recording of an interview was itself the primary exhibit , although as a matter of convenience it was usual for the prosecution , with the consent of the defence , to provide an abbreviated transcript of its contents for the use of the court and the jury .
19 It may suit some English commentators to think of the IRA as only a terrorist force rather than the Irish Republican Army because the acronym represents the IRA as shadowy forces of savagery and evil , which by definition it is difficult for the civilised good to understand .
20 If you are seeking to create a specialism from within the firm it is necessary for the specialist to understand , have a feel for and , most particularly , want to do personal injury work .
21 Since television is now admitted to all other public aspects of our national life it is absurd for the Commons to conceal themselves .
22 ( c ) Conduct of the conveyancing It is appropriate for the husband 's solicitors to obtain the title deeds so that they may act as vendor 's solicitors .
23 Athletico argued that with so much spontaneous combustion in the air it was dangerous for the game to continue and the referee should abandon it there and then .
24 In order to seal off the source of nutrition it is necessary for the activated lymphocytes to gather round the blood vessels once they have used up the local resources .
25 Of course it is necessary for the prospective student to possess a reasonable amount of intelligence as well as a genuine desire to help others .
26 Where a clause requires the making of an application to the President of the RICS it is sufficient for the applicant merely to send a letter making the application , even though the application will not be processed ( and hence will not come to the attention of the other party ) until the requisite fee is paid ( Staines Warehousing Co Ltd v Montagu Executor & Trustee Co Ltd [ 1987 ] 2 EGLR 130 ) .
27 By Edward 's reign it was usual for the monarch to extract from a newly elected bishop or abbot a pension of about 3 or 5 marks for a royal servant until such time as the prelate could promote him to a suitable living .
28 For this reason it is normal for the vendor to define precisely which documents comprise the sale agreement and to ensure the purchaser acknowledges that it is not relying on any statements of fact unless contained in these documents .
29 Transmission lines vary in length from centimetres to thousands of kilometres , and to achieve satisfactory transmission it is essential for the delivery and return conductors to be of low-enough resistance and sufficiently insulated from each other .
30 In this decade of evangelisation it is important for the Church to ‘ teach publicly on moral issues and for its lay members to become more involved in the social and political life of the country … that all members of the Church should take part in the Church 's mission of bringing Christ to the world . ’
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