Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [was/were] [prep] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We 'd been discussing something else , and I said it out of the blue , but in my mind it was as if we 'd just been talking about Oliver , and the way she answered , as if she thought we 'd just been talking about Oliver too and there was n't any break in that conversation even though we 'd been through lots of different subjects in the meantime , made me feel very cheerful .
2 He glanced up and looked at her again and just for a moment it was as if they were alone in the midst of the hubbub of the fairground .
3 For a moment it was as if he was casting around for suitable names , and then suddenly he was looking past Alexei towards Jehan .
4 This morning I can kind of feel it , but last night it was as if I was when I swallowed there was a big lump .
5 One aspect of performance that one might expect of any machine that was to pass the test ( by behaving in such a way that the human interlocutor never even suspected a machine was present ) would be to have the sort of final authority over what state it was in that we normally concede to humans : when Jones , on the neurosurgeon 's table , insists that he is in pain , we tend to allow his authority even though the neurosurgeon says that , given the position of the brain probe at that moment , he should not be .
6 In a way it was as if she was drugged .
7 Rohmer smiled again , and this time it was as if he 'd just heard the best news of the evening .
8 When he sat there at table it was as if he held himself in check .
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