Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [is] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In soil geography it is generally suggested that the systems approach was formally applied by Nikiforoff ( 1959 ) although earlier he had distinguished accumulative and non-accumulative soils and so implicitly involved an open system attitude ( Nikiforoff , 1949 ) .
2 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
3 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
4 ( b ) Counternotices Where the initiator of the review is required to specify the proposed new rent it is sometimes provided that the figure so specified shall be the new rent unless the other party serves a counternotice within a given period .
5 In a commercial or industrial setting it is often assumed that organisations try to maximise profits as their main goal .
6 In the field of cancer therapy it is well known that irradiation can cause tumours and yet they can also be treated by radiation and many of the drugs used in chemotherapy for tumours can also cause tumours .
7 On a second or subsequent marriage it is frequently said that a wedding speech should make no reference to previous spouses , nor children of earlier marriages unless they are junior pages and need to be acknowledged and welcomed , or even the fact that either party has been married before .
8 As a direct consequence of the Torrie proposal it is also understood that the university 's application for its collections to be granted nationally registered status — giving access to a range of vital funding — is likely to be rejected by the Museum and Galleries Commission .
9 Certainly in certain professions such as teaching , nursing or social work it is generally considered that a desire to serve the public is of paramount importance .
10 In the short run it is generally argued that tax cuts will simply stimulate aggregate demand and , with aggregate supply largely unaffected , will be inflationary .
11 After an accident it is often found that maintenance work as well as repairs is necessary and it is quite natural that the Policyholder will want both carried out at the same time .
12 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
13 Scalars and vectors are in fact the simplest types of tensors , and from SR it is well known that if an equality can be proved between vectors ( or scalars ) in one inertial frame then the equality remains true under Lorentz transformations to other inertial frames .
14 By midnight it 's really rocking and on into the early hours of the morning we adjourn to one of the best discos in Faliraki , Set Disco , where 18–30 Social members can get special discounts .
15 This is why to account for their longevity it is now believed that they were a qualified kind of ectothermic homeotherm continually striving to become endothermic homeotherms .
16 For example it is generally accepted that , since the real-balance effect concerns the net wealth of the private sector , indebtedness arising from within the private sector should be excluded from the definition of NW .
17 For example it is not known if landlords will be prevented from making unfair rent rises to cover what they claim is the cost of the Council Tax .
18 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
19 In the building trade it is well known that the cost of building a new building may be less than the cost of modifying an old one .
20 See so it 's just by learning the pattern it 's like say if you were you were playing football every time somebody every time the ball came towards you you had to learn all about the way the ball goes Oh it 's you know it 's slowing down cos the grass is wet and it 's curling and things like that .
21 In theory it is typically assumed that we are concerned with the distribution of taxes and benefits among individuals according to their ability to pay ( the normative basis for this is not discussed here — see Lecture 11 ) ; in empirical work , this is typically taken to mean measured money income .
22 So it 's argued that it 's frustrating to the er to the electant It 's also argued as well that the frequency of elections tends to produce lower turn outs .
23 Without changing its movements , it now becomes the ‘ giant paw ’ of a huge cat — in this new role it is suddenly threatening and the animal responds appropriately with a defensive reaction .
24 On the other hand if someone dies of a heart attack it is just accepted that the cause is hereditary , ‘ He over-exerted himself once too often , ’ or most commonly , it was ‘ Just bad luck ’ .
25 For a precedent , see Appendix E. It is not thought that this procedure has been invoked with any degree of frequency .
26 In the latter case it is easily shown that the matching in fact yields an equivalence once induction has been used to deal with lower levels .
27 At present it is not known whether Mercury has any such crust .
28 This is the part where there is a surfaced footway or pavement but at present it is so overgrown that pedestrians have to walk on the road .
29 In addition it is not known whether the influence of nutritional treatment on the disease process is as beneficial in nourished as in undernourished patients .
30 At the European level it is widely believed that common standards will allow an expanded internal market to be developed and thus facilitate the economies of scale considered necessary for effective competition against foreign manufacturers .
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