Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [verb] [adv] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But during the course of the interview it came out his brother was anxious to sell — he was addicted to gambling and owed a lot of money .
2 For a moment it hovered over her thoughts then , with an ease born of long practice , she pushed it away and went into her dressing room .
3 On that occasion it set out its views the impact wider rights of audience for solicitors and lawyers employed by the Crown Prosecution Service and Government Legal Service ( GIS ) would have on the Bar and particularly the Young Bar .
4 It presupposes that either this government has all the authority it claims over its population or it has none .
5 As it tumbled through the air it stretched out its arms .
6 Ben Alder has always seemed as impenetrable to me as a hi-fi magazine , but from up on the ridge it gives away its secrets and reveals a relatively simple ascent from the west up a long , inclining slope .
7 Like supplementary pension it tops up your income to the amount the government says you need to live on .
8 ‘ Fabia , ’ he repeated , seeming to enjoy the way it rolled around his tongue .
9 The rules and practices of the organisation relating to — ( a ) the admission and expulsion of members ; and ( b ) the discipline it exercises over its members , must be fair and reasonable and include adequate provision for appeals . …
10 The rules and practices of the organisation relating to — ( a ) the admission and expulsion of members ; and ( b ) the discipline it exercises over its members , must be fair and reasonable and include adequate provision for appeals .
11 Indeed , paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act of 1986 , which I have already quoted , requires that Lautro 's Rules relating to the admission and expulsion of members and the discipline it exercises over its members must be fair and reasonable and include adequate provision for appeals .
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