Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [be] [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 It gives me special pleasure to be present at the wedding of my good friends Annabelle and Steven , because I introduced them at the Dashing Disco/Royal Hotel/Country Club and because I have known both of them for many years at school/the tennis club .
2 The Australian High Court delivered a key ruling on June 3 on the issue of Aboriginal land rights , by effectively overturning the notion of terra nullius — the concept that had deemed the Australian continent to be unoccupied at the time of European settlement in the 18th century .
3 It could not be done by direct supervision because of the inability of management to be present at the face frequently enough .
4 The Act continues : ‘ Where a children 's hearing are satisfied in a case concerned with an offence mentioned in the Criminal Procedure ( Scotland ) Act of 1975 , that the attendance of a child is not necessary for the just hearing of that case , or in any case where they are satisfied that it would be detrimental to the interest of the child to be present at the hearing of his case , the case in whole or in part , may be considered in the absence of the child . ’
5 If you both want the father to be present at the birth , ask about arrangements for this at the hospital as early as you can .
6 The right of the inspector to be present at a review board had been legally challenged on one occasion and it was obviously necessary that he should be permitted to attend .
7 Services will continue as at present to be free at the point of delivery .
8 The Communist Party , reduced to a low level , had good reason to be concerned at the threat of a new Left party .
9 When it was first available 1-2-3 Release 3 was a product that was before its time — a 3D spreadsheet that allowed file linking and more than one program to be open at a time .
10 ‘ You are what you eat ’ is a favourite maxim , and eating the right things is important in order to be healthy at every stage of life .
11 In that trial the author was defended on the grounds that he had to transgress moral respectability in order to be moral at a deeper , more authentic level dictated by personal conscience .
12 4.4 The Distributor agrees to undertake an Annual Stock Count each year and shall supply details of stock figures to the Publishers and shall permit a representative of the Publisher to be present at the Stock Count should the Publisher so request
13 5.3 The Distributor agrees to undertake an annual stock count on 30 June of each year and shall supply details of stock figures to the Publisher and shall permit a representative of the Publisher to be present at the stock count should the Publisher so request .
14 5.3 The Distributor agrees to undertake an annual stock count on 30 June of each year and shall supply details of stock figures to the Publisher and shall permit a representative of the Publisher to be present at the stock count should the Publisher so request .
15 5.3 The Distributor agrees to undertake an annual stock count on 1 January of each year and shall supply details of stock figures to the Publisher and shall permit a representative of the Publisher to be present at the stock count should the Publisher so request .
16 I then returned to the little inn where I had ordered dinner to be ready at an hour early enough to allow me to walk back to Ballachulish in time for the calling of the steamboat on its Fort William route .
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