Example sentences of "[noun sg] that 's [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It turns out that if you 're gon na give a talk or something and it 's a talk that 's well rehearsed and well known , you give it better when there 's a lot of people in a passive audience than when there 's one or two .
2 It 's amazing how many women perm hair that 's already damaged and then wonder why the results are ghastly .
3 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
4 May I through the Journal , say thank you to all my friends and colleagues who contributed to my retirement present [ camcorder ] — a gift that 's much appreciated and will always remind me of my 32+ years at JS .
5 I think as far as market is concerned we have sort of taken certain steps as far as the marketing is I mean the computerisation of ticket system gives us a much greater insight on marketing now cos you can actually see what people come to see and we can by the ticket that 's actually sold and we can actually target people direct .
6 Comment : You may be offering closeness and commonality that 's not reciprocated and is overpowering .
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