Example sentences of "[noun sg] that this [noun] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Why do many people stay on the farms , with the result that this migration has been less than normal for the UK ?
2 It is with sincere people such as these in mind that this leaflet has been written — not to ride roughshod over a sincerely held belief but rather to confirm the absolute necessity of finding Purgatory , but not a Purgatory that is arrived at after death which is the popular view , but rather a Purgatory that is found before death which is the proper view according to God 's guide , the Holy Bible .
3 We therefore have : 1 ) the malady if it is a malady ; at any rate it is assumed to be a malady by the proponents of incomes policy ; 2 ) a theoretical cause of the malady , which is not disputed ; 3 ) the practical demonstration that this cause has been in operation ; and 4 ) the psychological explanation why that cause is desired , fomented and sustained by Governments .
4 Some manufacturers like to leave the tempering colour on the tools , as an indication that this operation has been carried out properly .
5 The question that this variability raises is whether the decline in morale is an inevitable consequence of the increase in pressure and uncertainty .
6 The point that this motion makes is to try to make action , the facilitating attitudes over there is gon na lead to five hundred people losing their jobs in April .
7 When Iago outlines his plan to regain Othello 's respect through the intervention of Desdemona , Cassio is grateful : The point that this sequence establishes is that Cassio , like Roderigo before him , and like Othello , and Desdemona after him , trusts Iago and believes that he has appeared in the nick of time , solely in order to help him .
8 Mr Rees confirmed to the CCAUK conference that this form had been approved by trade associations representing various types of consumer creditor .
9 There was an initial suspicion that this poison had been ingested by our two patients .
10 The evidence that this fear existed is to be found in a letter which Pope Alexander II sent to Lanfranc not long after his arrival in England .
11 Conference , we are all well aware of the terrific financial burden that this union has been under over the last few years .
12 There is no doubt that this work has been enormously fruitful in pointing out the detailed strategies and rhetorical manoeuvres involved in the expression of racism .
13 Mr Lightman said that at the time of the libel trial the defence had no idea that this payment had been made .
14 As Robert points out this is the first time that this function has been run as a single corporate entity .
15 I was told at the time that this system had been adopted because it was impossible to fit a mechanical servo as fitted to the Series III without major surgery ,
16 The in-can system , for which we hold the patent , won The Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement in 1991 — the first time that this award has been given to a brewer .
17 This was only the fourth time that this legislation had been invoked .
18 This is the first time that this development has been made manifest .
19 The IBOA is very conscious of the fact that this issue has been outstanding for a considerable length of time and it is hoped that the proposals will pave the way for a speedy resolution to the problem .
20 Here we have an undoubted theoretical cause , and also the undoubted fact that this cause has been in operation on a massive scale .
21 LIFESPAN records the fact that this assertion has been made by changing any development versions of modules in a package ( including the package module itself ) to approved versions and giving them a non-development issue number , such as 2.3 from 2.3C .
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