Example sentences of "[noun sg] that if [pron] [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 GEORGE GRAHAM last night assured the Football Association that if they do n't deal with Ian Wright , Arsenal will .
2 And do bear in mind that if you do n't hit it 100 per cent , the result is likely to be far better than a less than perfect pitch .
3 In the late afternoon the Committee pulled its favourite form of persuasion : it went into secret session , with a direction that if he did n't sing in secret he could expect to be jailed for contempt of Congress ( i.e. the committee ) .
4 Erm so but I wanted to point out two or three things on this contract that if you do n't tell them on the phone about them before you get round there they they 'll use it
5 And she resisted finding out , in the way that other girls she had known kept themselves in deliberate ignorance of such things as impregnation , in the unarticulated hope that if they did n't know what it was it could n't happen to them .
6 He heard himself telling a girl that if he had n't made it in the music business by his twentieth birthday , he would kill himself .
7 In the Western Fells region covered by the FRCC Scafell , Dow and Eskdale Guide , Al Phizaclea continues to explore nooks and crannies with the philosophy that if it does n't move and is n't already in the guide then it must be climbed .
8 To a certain extent there 's an attempt in East Sussex to regulate , in terms of their county plan , people by linking it to housing , on the basis that if you do n't build the houses people ca n't migrate into area .
9 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
10 Getting an old cast iron downpipe off the wall is not easy and there is a fair chance that if it did n't need replacing when you started , it will by the time you 've removed it .
11 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
12 Er but you get the feeling that if he does n't score then as I said nobody else can .
13 I always had the feeling that if I had n't , she would have sat there all night .
14 I had the feeling that if I had n't been present he might have risked uttering a few words to Millie .
15 The doctrine he has carried through his career that if you do n't enjoy it , there 's no point bothering , can easily be misconstrued as arrogance .
16 is n't there a risk that if we do n't keep a reasonable balance between employment and employment demand and employment supply in North Yorkshire , we shall finish up for different reasons with a need to regenerate the economy of Yorkshire , North Yorkshire ?
17 So before SuperSparc corrals all the business , he 's sending Sun messages in the press that if it does n't buy HyperSparc — also known as Pinnacle — he 's going to turn round and do the Alpha for DEC .
18 if , if , if he says I 've done it in class and I do n't want to finish it off at home , that 's fair enough , but what 's gon na happen when he gets to secondary level and he 's got this idea that if he does n't finish it in class , that 's it , he does n't do it , he wo n't finish learning the topic
19 It 's Sir Ralph Halpern 's view that if it had n't been for the current worldwide recession , many more outside brands would have been introduced to the UK market .
20 I said to Dolly that if I did n't do something you 'd be cut off from the world for a week or more .
21 A second factor motivating people again it 's the demographic situation , the fact that if you have n't got children , you 're free to do what you want .
22 now what gave the reason for that so we can all follow it quite clearly see if I 've got this right , was the reason for the updating of the service charges once a year in the brochure , the fact that if you did n't update the brochure might mislead a prospective purchaser ?
23 It was n't difficult for Rachel to understand what her sister had seen in this man , and just for a moment she found herself reluctantly acknowledging the fact that if she did n't know what she did about him she too would find him very attractive .
24 I had the impression that if he did n't come through on this one soon his position was going to be in very grave danger .
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