Example sentences of "[noun sg] that the [noun] had [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was one more indication that the government had its own vested interest in allowing Ulster to stew indefinitely in its crime and racketeer misery .
2 The crew looked pleased enough , the camera man muttering something to the effect that the bitch had it coming .
3 He 'd thought for a moment that the fates had it in for him .
4 Ember would n't even tell her what from , but she could sense through the flux of data that came from her paling blue awareness that the others had something planned for her , something that she did n't want .
5 It was an open secret that the scheme had its supporters in West Germany .
6 Knox recounts how they piled up a great heap of stones at the place of martyrdom , and no matter that the priests had them removed , and threatened excommunication , they were always replaced , until one night the papists found the permanent solution , taking them away to build into walls .
7 The hatred was enough , answer to the strange , stifling power that Luke Scott had over her , but now a new suspicion preyed on the edges of her consciousness of it , the shadowy suggestion of a conviction that the hatred had its genesis in something darker and more complex than the realities she was calling to mind .
8 The music is quite uncharacteristic of the mature Elgar , but written with the clear purpose that the group had something new to play regularly .
9 With jackdaws and Mambas both out of the frame , I found myself considering the bizarre idea that the storm had something to do with the disappearance of my dead sister 's remains .
10 The ankle muscles were holding the foot in an almost normal position — oblivious to the fact that the joints had nothing to rest on , that this was a classic case of a boy who would normally have ended up with a club foot .
11 The audience , who knew for a fact that the Press had its facts wrong about the marriage , wittered on about ‘ ordinary people ’ being able to solve problems in the privacy of their own homes .
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