Example sentences of "[noun sg] that i [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The mention that I was journeying via Marseilles prompted him to warn me , somewhat to my surprise , not to let the street-girls of the special quarter ( since abolished ) commandeer my hat — a favourite play of theirs to inveigle one inside — which suggested that he had experienced such an approach .
2 The drop down from Meall Corranaich and back up to Beinn Ghlas was a great deal more substantial than I would have wished at this point in the walk , keeping in mind that I was hallucinating from the effort of the chase and the subsequent lack of oxygen managing to get anywhere near my lungs via a mouth full of clenched teeth .
3 My motivations were not as clear-cut as those of any contemporary workforce , but there is no doubt in my mind that I was going on strike in the only way I knew how to , and that in this sense Szasz is right to describe anorexia nervosa as a political problem .
4 I was informed by a normally respectable member of the Gwili Board that I was wanted on the telephone in the shop .
5 The truth of the matter is of course it probably would n't be all greenfield land , but that 's the worst case that I 'm talking about .
6 I placed my pipes and rucksack on the back seat of the jeep and informed the driver that I was going into the orchard for a last look round .
7 I think it 's because I 'm being made to do physics that I 'm rebelling against it .
8 The sort of weakness that I 'm talking about is not physical weakness but a weakness of their personality .
9 Just to site some of the bits of work that I was talking about , erm , the Trustee Training Working Party , for example , er , in , ha has got on it , a representative from the black voluntary sector .
10 At the university here we have got two or three groups in which we do know how to do that and especially the work that I 'm associated with , again the arts undergraduates , we have developed over a period now of something like six years , ways of giving them confidence , and it 's amazing to see what happens .
11 The Environment Committee that I was talking about this proposal at this meeting .
12 Who would think from the urbanity of this week 's column that I am sitting at my keyboard shivering , sniffing , coughing and streaming like a tubercular poet of the 1890s ?
13 Is the trouble at home that I am hearing of , perhaps , that someone had been — what is the expression ? — boiling the books ? ’
14 And whilst they 're sailing across this little lake there in the evening a sudden storm blows up , now in the version of the bible that I 'm reading from it says there that , er that is was a fierce storm , other versions will er , give different e , different expressions , it was a fierce , sorry , a fierce gale of wind .
15 It 's not happiness but sorrow that I 'm looking for .
16 Th they told me to default on the mortgage that I 'm paying for the property that my wife lives in , because the assessment does n't take into account that I
17 If the circle that I 'm looking at is six miles , which you 've implied it is .
18 I am grateful to the hon. Lady because she makes the point that I was coming to .
19 The hon. Gentleman makes a fair point , which is not very different from the point that I was making about what the governor of Brixton prison knew several months before those IRA terrorists broke out .
20 right , you 'll gather a bit of string , I 'm not saying you 'll use the words I 'm using , but the theme , do you see the theme that I 'm talking about , about moving people and
21 But do n't think for a moment that I 'm duped by my own little lies . ’
22 He went through the selection and training process that I am talking about .
23 These Societies were in opposition to the differentiation and autonomization model of modernity that I am using in this paper .
24 I 'm therefore doubly grateful to you for giving me the chance to meet you today , and I hope that some of the contacts I might make today will stand me in good stead in the job that I 'm doing in Oxford over the next year or so .
25 Then you 've got to think of your references problem is the job that I 'm applying for is working in the school and my reference for primary school is Redland School cos that 's where I was I thought ooh yes that would be laugh if I apply for Redland School yeah great so it 's gon na come under wor work experience and reference I do n't know you can put
26 That stuff that I 'm buying from that company cleans trainers .
27 Oh , we had to wait at the border , we had in advance to get visas , and when we got there , things were very simple but nonetheless , we were very well received , and the person that I was staying with , lived in a flat , a very simple flat , but nonetheless , a very pleasant flat .
28 and and sometimes I think to myself , would I love this person that i 'm talking to , to become a believer of Christ ?
29 ‘ It is n't charity that I 'm looking for . ’
30 No more will you hear me say that I am thinking of rejoining the gym .
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