Example sentences of "[noun sg] that i [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I went to the Royal Courts of Justice , the judge knew what he was going to give me , and I got three years ' probation , on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year and that I attend a day centre .
2 Someone from a hostel in London came to see me and said they would have me , so when I went to court in Sheffield the judge decided to put me on bail for four weeks , on condition that I stayed at the hostel and that I did n't drink , and also if I attended the Jules Thorn psychiatric unit , which is part of St Pancras Hospital , for a ten-day assessment .
3 But here I am once again running into the kind of difficulty that I noted at the end of my last chapter when I quoted Christine Hugh-Jones ' apposite phrase about the work of the social anthropologist being a matter of sorting out the meaning of a " muddling mass " of detailed data .
4 It 's rather like the scene that I penned at the beginning of this column .
5 Having failed dismally with a bicycle pump and an unidentified device that I found at the back of my Dad 's garden shed , I stumbled across what seemed like a promising routine and set aside the whole of Boxing Day to test it out .
6 It 's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place ; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long .
7 ‘ This is a warning that I flagged at the Council conference two years ago : where is the small firm going to be ?
8 the first thing that I do at the beginning of the lesson is one sec
9 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
10 If the leaders of Anti-Racist Alliance want to build up an effective anti-racist movement , they should desist from the kind of stupid sectarianism that I witnessed at the recent March for Justice in the London borough of Newham .
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