Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , it is the semantic anomaly that probably makes this kind of joke far easier to translate from English into another language than the jokes which depend on sound-play or polysemy .
2 This is , however , the first study that also assesses gastroduodenal damage .
3 A MAN injured in a police shoot-out was last night in hospital with chest wounds while police pieced together the tangled events of a night of violence that also left one man dead and three policemen injured .
4 " Depression " is a convenient portmanteau condition that frequently satisfies this purpose .
5 The 3.4-kb mRNA is not expressed in W/W v skin ( lane 17 ) , which lacks melanocytes , or in any skin that exclusively produces yellow pigment due to mutations at the agouti locus ( lanes 6 , 7 , and 8 ) .
6 It is easy to show that no algorithm that always prefers one source to another can be adequate .
7 Later , while figure-subjects executed in marquetry become more dominant but generally less attractive , it is the ornamental component that again gives most delight .
8 The idea of literature that currently informs English teaching makes arbitrary associations and exclusions .
9 I had not gone far before the rain started and it soon became a sluicing downpour that never abated all day .
10 I think , to come back to ‘ where does knowledge come from ? ’ , just how can you produce work that actually counters that weight of belief in the invincibility of people who are patently failing in front of your eyes !
11 There are two other areas of your home that also need effective ventilation .
12 Now one sport that always brings breathtaking action is moto cross … and the good news is they 're opening a new track in Oxfordshire … today the top riders were testing it out … our man Mark Kiff was there
13 As the beetle lumbers into the air , the stiff wing covers are usually held out to the side , a posture that inevitably hampers efficient flight .
14 Four years later , however , a science programme on Australian radio accused McBride of scientific fraud and it was this accusation that eventually led local health authorities in New South Wales to begin the medical tribunal proceedings .
15 With this in mind , let us now move on to examine other types of cohesive device that often require careful handling in translation .
16 Things happened in this period that profoundly influenced sociological thinking in particular , and especially in so far as it related to crime and criminals ; they led to a comprehensive rejection of the most cherished principles of positivist criminology .
17 Underlining last weekend 's commitment by John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , to control spending , Giles Radice , MP for Durham North , told the conference that properly financed public spending was not only good economics , but good politics .
18 As tall as his father and with the slender , broad-shouldered build of a natural athlete , he had regular features of that open , well-chiselled handsomeness that also suggests unusual strength of character .
19 Each stream is analogous to a body , whose ‘ development ’ is influenced by dust seed ‘ genes ’ , a body that eventually spawns new dust seeds .
20 So why apply , more or less , for an awful job that seriously threatens domestic harmony ?
21 His successor as curator , Arthur T. Bolton [ q.v. ] , claimed that ‘ it is no disrespect to his distinguished predecessors in that office to assert that he was the best curator that ever held that position of trust ’ , an opinion that was shared by ( Sir ) John Summerson , who succeeded Bolton .
22 This alone is a factor that enormously complicates any discussion of school education .
23 The one factor that still tilts general election predictions in the Tories ' favour is that their hillcrest position seems ultimately impregnable .
24 This film was widely acclaimed , became a BBC worldwide bestseller , and was the event that really sparked widespread interest in the new technology in Britain .
25 People 's opinions vary , but one thing is clear : the Government is influenced by the views of the top civil servants , and in a very practical sense , it is the Civil Service that actually runs this country .
26 Furthermore , the system also came under attack as being unfair — hence undermining consent by calling into doubt the legitimacy of both the mode of election and the government produced by it — and for facilitating the adversary relationship between the parties , a relationship that significantly influenced public policy , but did so in a manner harmful to the interests of the country .
27 Equally dramatic has been the emergence of a new venue , the former Gas Works , converted into a theatre almost at the drop of a hat , a transformation that clearly shook last night 's capacity audience at the first performance in the Klondyke Building .
28 As this principle is recognised in the way that card businesses are accounted for normally , this is an area that clearly needs further consideration .
29 It was the motor lorry rather than the train that really hit coastal trading , for the hinterland of many of the smaller ports is ill-served by main lines , and until the coming of the lorry it was still economic to send a lot of things by sea .
30 MONTSERRAT , the tiny Caribbean island that once boasted one bank for every 40 inhabitants , is bracing itself this Easter for a spate of arrests following a three-year fraud and corruption investigation by Scotland Yard .
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