Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] was use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a shadowy corner of the cook tent , Ngo Van Loc crouched beside an upturned packing case that he was using as a makeshift writing-table .
2 ‘ It 's quite large for around here , ’ the woman told her , and , even though it was nowhere near as large as Leith 's present flat , nor in the area that she was used to either , she was in a ‘ beggars ca n't be choosers ’ situation .
3 She dropped the bowl that she was using to the floor .
4 It owes its name to the fact that it was used as the floor covering at the coronation of Frederik IV in 1699 , and that of all subsequent absolute kings .
5 The fact that it was used for his or another 's use could be established by questions and answers between the police and the defendant .
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