Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] is [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
2 In explosive breeding , all reproductive activity is packed into a few days , with the result that it is highly synchronised .
3 In creating the replica pavement , Mr Bob Woodward , a builder by trade , has undertaken such thorough background research that he is now regarded as a leading international expert on Roman mosaics .
4 To identify a fluttering shadow as the outline of a bird is not so revealing as the recognition that it is actually cast by a butterfly .
5 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
6 In the next moment after Peter has been so firmly put right by Jesus , he has an experience that he is never to forget .
7 I will contend rather that the judgement that it is there has a necessary effect upon how we are inclined to act .
8 If the hon. Member for Hammersmith ( Mr. Soley ) and his Labour colleagues around the country , who control far more houses than the Government , showed even a tiny percentage of the indignation that he is now attempting to express about empty houses in Swindon in relation to the 5,000 empty houses in Labour-controlled Liverpool , the 2,800 in Labour-controlled Salford , the 2,000 in Labour-controlled Newham , the 5,500 in Labour-controlled Manchester , the 2,000 in Labour-controlled Newcastle , the 1,000 in Labour-controlled Knowsley , and so on —
9 It was for his contribution to social reform that he is most remembered .
10 Falling to Shane Warne 's ‘ Wonder ball ’ and then the final delivery of day four merely underlined the suspicion that he is permanently jinxed .
11 Like all prisoners of circumstance , you will probably reflect a good deal on the whole subject of ‘ time ’ and of its strange habits of hanging , dragging , or running out too quickly , but if you decide to use and dominate it , instead of allowing it to dominate you , you will inevitably come to the conclusion that it is only wasted if it is thrown away , never when it is offered freely , as a gift of love .
12 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
13 Further , there appear to be general conventions about the use of language that require ( or , perhaps , merely recommend ) a certain degree of implicitness in communication , with the consequence that it is virtually ensured that what the speaker means by any utterance U is not exhausted by the meaning of the linguistic form uttered ( see Chapter 3 below ) .
14 Sometimes truth may be suppressed for a long time but while it is imprisoned it gathers to itself more and more power so that on the day that it is finally released it explodes , blowing everything asunder .
15 Recognition , which once granted will remain in force for three years , will automatically cease upon liquidation or the making of an administration order under the Insolvency Act 1986 and may be withdrawn by the Council in the event that it is subsequently discovered that it was obtained as a result of any error or fraud .
16 Such behaviour is hardly the ultimate manifestation of anarchy that it is often depicted to be .
17 We find that frequently when a husband does listen , he does little to indicate to his wife that he is actually considering her input .
18 It is a good sign that it is now circling round nations and nationalism .
19 HAVING vague recollection from reading accounts of English milords on the Grand Tour in the 18th century that there was a nourishing fake industry around the Mediterranean , I was intrigued to learn from Oxford 's Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art that it is still going .
20 At least one of the scientists has admitted on television that he is now denied access to " defence secrets " .
21 In such a situation , it is hard to believe Zarei 's claim that he is still enjoying running , but an essential part of the make-up of any top ultra runner is a fierce determination to test themselves to the limit .
22 In terms of closeness to York , I take the general review view and I support the County Council that it is generally better if the new settlement is located closer , close to York , because that under proviso that it is well located for public and private transport .
23 I believe it is possible to propose an explanation for the intuitive feeling one gets that the -ing form would be somewhat inappropriate here : the author is describing a person who is groping for anything which will reassure her before she meets her angry father and the mere fact that she is able to perceive objects which are familiar to her — when she feels so disoriented that she can take nothing for granted — is what gives her the sense that she is neither shirking nor lying .
24 Similarly : ( 10 ) I only offered her legal advice will , under one natural interpretation , refer to advice on legal matters ; and it will continue to do so even if in some rare case it is given under circumstances that mean it is offered illegally itself , for example if it makes use of secret information stolen from a government which prohibits unauthorized possession or transmission of secret government information ; on the other hand , as a phrase of English , it can perfectly well bear the other interpretation under which it means advice which is itself legal , in the sense that it is legally given , in which case it may concern any subject under the sun .
25 In any social formation there is at least one class which , by virtue of its various determinations , is dominant in the sense that it is better placed to realise its interests than its rivals .
26 This notion of freedom is positive in the sense that it is directly related to self-realization .
27 Even the recipe for George Washington 's mother 's gingerbread allegedly found " in an old worn cookery book " dated 1784 , of which the first item on the list of ingredients is ½ cup of margarine , could be said to be honest in the sense that it is candidly admitted that margarine is what is actually now used in the kitchens at Claverton Manor , the American Museum near Bath where both the gingerbread and the leaflet giving the recipe are purveyed to the public .
28 And having met him , he at once began studying him and suffering with him : observing him ab extra and sharing the inside of his head ; hence his sense that he is both witnessing and experiencing the ‘ strange smile ’ which accompanies Raskolnikov 's surprise at his own dread of meeting his landlady .
29 STAIN TOK I The awareness that one is helplessly living a role
30 Rejoicing in the Lord is having the assurance that nothing is ever lost , that nothing is ultimately beyond him and his power .
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