Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ( But it was n't my fault that someone blew up his sky-bar while trying to get at me .
2 Which again is a part of the luck which probably saved me and er when I got down to the pump which was directly below where the explosion occurred , there was about three or four of us there and er as I said that the only indication that we got out it was a an enormous bang just directly overhead .
3 AT&T Co is happy to have the Baby Bells enter the long-distance market in the US on condition that they give up their local monopoly : AT&T also will lobby to eliminate remaining regulation of long-distance .
4 There is also a rough guide to water losses in different parts of Britain and Northern Ireland during the crucial months from April to September , and a full year 's daily rainfall chart that you fill in yourself .
5 This same attitude can also be seen in the exasperating , but typical , response that we received whenever we questioned a third party 's motives for doing something : ‘ Oh , sara ’ li kaa' ’ — roughly : ‘ Oh , it 's his business . ’
6 Now , now it would 've been easier for you , the , the part that you missed out which would have brought all that in to play would have been how much do you want to pay , do you wan na pay a , a small amount over a long time or a big amount over a short time and then that would 've brought that into play .
7 It is a staggering compliment to their historical reliability that we find almost nothing of the major concerns which engaged the primitive Church written back into the Gospels .
8 Oh , well that the money that I found out my pocket and the payment granny gave me .
9 ‘ It 's only since we saw the video that we found out whose boot it was .
10 On the rare occasion that it comes up she kind of laughs it off and says well it was n't really a marriage .
11 Such a suggestion could never be made about Steve Mungall , who seeks out the heart of the action with such relish that you wonder how his 34-year-old legs can keep carrying him forward like a 24-year-old .
12 References to Sir Thomas Hoby are , perhaps deceptively , formal , though Margaret was strong-minded enough to resist until 1632 his request that she make over her Hackness and other properties to him and his heirs .
13 When Lou got in the car , the bulky jacket that she wore over her washed denim skirt got in the way of her seat belt and her movements as she struggled to fasten the buckle were jerky and nervous .
14 Chief among them , and born of the group 's increasing feeling that they stood far something , embattled against a hostile world , was their tendency not only to see merit where none existed ( in the poetry of Fox , for example ) , but actually to think that belonging to the group — which began at around this period to be known as the Inklings — was in itself a sort of merit .
15 You know like I say there is quite a lot of trust and erm I think Yona and me are sort of aware er we 're very much united in the feeling that we do n't we do n't want things to erm you know we want everybody to be involved and obviously different people have different things to offer .
16 Such is the informality of this unique little island that it matters not who you are or what you have .
17 Unless your doctor were to go to the additional trouble of writing on the prescription that he meant exactly what he had written , and was forbidding the chemist to substitute , you would get the cheapest product .
18 Incredibly , it was not until she pushed open the kitchen door that she remembered just what day it was and what they were all supposed to be doing .
19 If we enter this relationship to work with you … trying to find a way to bring back … the kind of government that you want then we have to establish … basic rules of order .
20 This being that you cut off my head at the same time . ’
21 Very roughly , Fodor argued that this kind of blanket objection to representational theories of mind does not work against the mental-sentence kind of theory for the simple reason that we know just what it would be like for a system to work on the mental-sentence principle .
22 The first thing that I noticed when I arrived in the dusty Managua airport , besides the tanks parked in the landing field , was an enormous poster of an unmistakable Daniel Ortega , clad in blue jeans and a cowboy shirt , holding an infant with an earring .
23 No oh more sadness there 's one thing that I do n't I searched the whole world for someone like you .
24 and er you know I think coming to a , a university is a thing that you know like it 's a very sort of novel experience for a lot of people and you know certainly when I started the human psych course here , you know about twelve , thirteen years ago erm you know I did n't know what on earth was , was requ required and I agonized over work for quite , quite a long time and er
25 He 's also got editing equipment so it might be the sort of thing that you know like you 'll be able to take it away and say you know , this section , that bit and then
26 Well you know what he 's trying to do , he 's trying up the claim so when back , he 's still gon na get the amount that he wants so he said t to Jim something about , he is n't paying the insurance I said you 're joking !
27 And have we not got ta take care that we do n't we do n't have such an enormous list
28 The real secret of the Anonymous Fellowships is the paradox that one receives only what one gives .
29 He had been taught the hard lesson that you eat where there is food , because food is sustenance and without it there is failure and collapse .
30 implementing the recommendations made in the report that you have before you and er we we would like to see a report back which we will do anyway erm after the Inspector has visited and discussed it .
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