Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun] have [vb pp] his " in BNC.

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1 His evidence was also remarkable for his insistence that Kesselring had exaggerated his own importance as Officer Commanding Troops in Italy , and was therefore not in fact responsible for the atrocities of which he stood accused .
2 For a moment the paralysis which had struck Neil from the moment that Havvie had begun his assault on her reputation was on him again .
3 These paintings give the sensation that Braque has felt his way visually around each object and examined its relationships with the other objects around it from several viewpoints .
4 Although he was acquitted on one count of assault and another of filing a false police report , the jury had been unable to reach a decision on the charge that Powell had abused his authority through the use of excessive force .
5 Trainer Gilpin echoed that view when claiming after the race that Dillon had disobeyed his instructions — ‘ No doubt he was carried away by the excitement . ’
6 There was no evidence that Berowne had started his own meal — that in itself might be of some help in deciding on the approximate time of death — but he had apparently either cajoled Harry into the church with the promise of a meal or , more likely , had supplied an obvious and immediate need before he was ready for his own share of the supper .
7 And Platt rapped back at criticism that Taylor has lost his ability to motivate his players .
8 The idea that Stamford was the centre of Mercian government was invented by William Stukeley in the 1730s from his belief that Alchfrith had held his court here and that it had formerly been Hengist 's town .
9 Instead , readers of the Spanish press had to make do with the news that Franco had reformed his Council of Ministers .
10 Soon-Yi said Mia 's claim that Allen had molested his seven-year-old daughter Dylan was ‘ ridiculous ’ and driven by a desire for revenge .
11 A , the landlord , having ( by conduct ) told B , his tenant , ‘ You need not fulfil your contractual duty to repair the premises within six months of the notice I have given you , ’ could not forfeit the lease ( that is , terminate the contract ) on the ground that B had broken his contract .
12 That he did not escape a final censorship has been attributed to Urban 's discovery of the 1616 injunction , as recorded in the file , and to his realization that Galileo had exceeded his perception of what had been allowed .
13 In an example of the sort of judicial activism traditionally deplored by conservatives , however , the Supreme Court effectively overturned the 1966 legislation by ruling that Tamayo-Reyes had forfeited his right of access to a federal court by failing to outline the essence of his objections during the earlier state court proceedings .
14 Velikovsky 's Worlds in Collision produced an overreaction from the scientific establishment for the simple reason that Velikovsky had cast his net far and wide in search of supporting evidence for his theory .
15 When you say a wife , you mean Mrs there was n't any suggestion that Lawrence had taken his own wife ?
16 Trent sensed that he was being inspected in the same way that Louis had examined his hands ; as an abstract entity ; a tool , at most ; briefly useful , but , once used , to be discarded without further thought .
17 In return his father rages at him for his inability to become a ‘ real ’ man , and demands as the only acceptable proof that Lucio has regained his masculinity that he attack the very next man he sees and sexually assault the first woman ( iv .
18 This is no doubt a matter which the magistrate should take into account when considering whether a witness 's evidence is to be rejected as worthless ; and I have no doubt that in the present case the magistrate did take it into account , together with the fact that Price had retracted his earlier evidence implicating the applicant , when deciding whether to make an order for committal .
19 The fact that Mosley had lost his main propaganda outlet meant that the British public for the most part paid little or no attention to beliefs which appeared to derive from ideological sympathy with Italian fascism or more sinister reasons .
20 That decision was the second major controversy of Hunt 's extraordinary year : this time not just Ferrari but many others felt that the race had been stopped to give Hunt time to repair his car , an argument given plausibility by the fact that Lauda had made his way out of the trouble and was clearly leading the race when it stopped .
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