Example sentences of "[noun sg] i went [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My last weekend with the car I went over to the Island of Luing , leaving the car ( foot ferry only on Sundays ) at Cuan Ferry .
2 During my spell on the late desk I went out on no fewer than eleven murders .
3 In the evening I went out to a club , stayed up all night , was late for work the next morning , got sacked and ever since then the rest of the staff have been kind enough to pretend that I 'm still one of them .
4 After a little while I went on to the drum with Mr Stevens ’ brother , Sid ; and then I got a full man 's money , one and eightpence , a lot o' money to take home then .
5 We were four days in Piraeus and every day I went back to the Acropolis .
6 The other day I went back into the city to walk round some of my old haunts .
7 ‘ And as to how I found you — when you did n't answer the phone I went round to the flat .
8 Last month I went back over the past 40 years of owning knitting machines and described some of the ways that I made sufficient money for the machines to pay for themselves .
9 You 're much too young to be thinking about boys , when I was your age I went around in a big friendly group , plenty of time for all that later on .
10 One morning I went out into the garden to fetch some clothes from the washing line and walked past Gibeau , who was shooting sparrows with his assault rifle , as they fed on grain he had laid out for them .
11 After the game I went around to the dressingroom to try and meet the players .
12 When I was living in my former role I went along to a lesbian meeting , thinking that might be what I was , but what I wanted was a relationship with a woman as a man .
13 But on his advice I went off to the optician and ended up wearing glasses .
14 In a kind of rush I went back to the main menu .
15 It had been some time since I had visited Ingleborough , so last summer I went back with a couple of friends to rediscover some of its hidden treasures .
16 I had been wept on by so many boyfriends that , had Home Sister known , she would have warned me of the dangers of pneumonia every time I went out on a date .
17 No , I mean , last time I went out would be erm well I 've been out in the afternoon a few times , with my boyfriend , but , the last time I went out in the evening
18 The first time I went back to a lake where I used to go as a child .
19 Now if the Labour group had moved a widening of erm the sort of provision in our elderly persons homes , I could have understood that , because we did n't have real figures , we could not get hold of real figures , every time I went back to a local party meeting , to the Labour group , to any other member they said , do you realise this home has this number of vacancies and your report says that number .
20 I hung in there another year shredding a few more files saying maybe it was time I went back to the law and when I got this offer …
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