Example sentences of "[noun sg] i go to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But they still worked it that if you were working , of course I went to the Ministry of Supply
2 That afternoon I went to the café at Fagurhólsmýri and bought a pair of Tuf workman boots .
3 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
4 That evening I went to the Charity Gala Evening in aid of Birthright , and the Keats- Shelley Memorial Association , at the Grosvenor House Antiques Fair which had been opened earlier that day by Prince Edward .
5 Towards evening I went to the doctor 's house to wait for him .
6 The other day I went to an area with 300,000 muslims surrounded by Serbs .
7 The next day I went to the State Bank , and there I was told , ‘ That 's fine , only we ca n't give the money to the person here .
8 One day I went to the swimming pool which had been closed earlier in the year after a near miss by a Tomahawk missile .
9 That night I went to the theatre and when I returned to my hotel , a quiet man in dark clothes was waiting for me .
10 ‘ Last night I went to an art exhibition in my sister-in-law 's gallery and then went to dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law 's birthday .
11 On one occasion I went to a hospital in south London to what the police reckoned would be a very rough demonstration .
12 Last week I went to a fortune teller and she told me I would have another child even though I do n't want to .
13 So that morning I went to the College library and began trying to remind myself of the intricacies of French verbs .
14 The Executive Council under Sir Paw Tun were inert and helpless , and later that morning I went to the Governor to say that I did not think we could hold the situation any longer without grave risk , and advised him to call for the resignation of the Executive Council .
15 That morning I went to the hospital with the excuse of visiting an old woman who was a patient , and while I was there I met one of the carabinieri in the corridor .
16 So he said erm I said to the woman I went to the court this morning so he said when you explain to me he said I 've got money in my pockets cos I borrowed it from dad tha he said I owed sixty two pound so he said I said to the woman in the court how can I pay this the sixty two pounds when you 've frozen my account ?
17 Yes , my schooling I went to the School in nineteen seventeen in the middle of the First World War .
18 On arrival I went to the Met Office to see the TAF which we 'd been unable to obtain at Vigo , and the forecast was three at 2,800 , with no mention of stratus !
19 Last weekend I went to a wedding and one lady came up and said : ‘ You are different from these people . ’
20 It reminds me of the time I went to a school in Clevedon to interview one of the masters , David Bryant , who was the greatest bowls player in the world and a star in his own right .
21 Last time I went to the hairdresser 's I was so crippled with period pains I drank three instant g & t's on the bus .
22 ‘ Probably the last time I went to the cinema , ’ the last member of the trio , a small , mousy-haired woman , chimed in , a littly archly .
23 The collection or pot plants was n't simply brought about by my parking my car at the garden centre every time I went to the hospital ; there was more to it than that .
24 Well , I 'd done that there , and that had gone by the time I went to the hospital and I thought brilliant !
25 Er last time I went to the doctor was when I hurt my back .
26 First time I went to the zoo I was erm
27 EVERY time I go to the Post Office , there 's a queue .
28 Yes , I mean I run a series for one of the local newspapers on past Lewes mayors and the amount of work that I had to do for that meant that I picked up all sorts of pieces of information about what other mayors had tried in the past , and things that had been successful and things that had been disasters , and as it was the centenary I went to a lot of trouble to look up exactly what had happened a hundred years ago and to try and recreate the ceremonial connected with that , and then when we elected erm two people honourary freeman of the town I got in all of the other mayors from Sussex , asked them to come along with their robes and mace bearers and so on , and we had this very sort of grand ceremonial procession in the Assembly Hall , which was sort of packed out with about four hundred people .
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