Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [verb] up [prep] my " in BNC.

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1 And every time I came to that bit I jerked up in my chair and Miss Ross shouted at me .
2 On the night I turned up in my red leotard and dippy skirt with a heavier than usual coat of paint on , to find , to my horror , that Cleo Roccas of Kenny Everett fame and a young lady much featured on Page 3 , called Gilly , I think , were already up on the stage , surrounded by a sixty-strong swarm of Street of Shame photographers , all climbing up each other 's anoraks and screaming ‘ Lean forward , Cleo — a bit further , give us a smile , lick your lips , Gilly — lovely , lovely — hitch that skirt up a bit … ’
3 After I had eaten my biscuit I climbed up onto my bunk with the chocolate and took off my boots .
4 Last summer I split up with my girlfriend after five tumultuous but happy years .
5 ‘ But this time I go up under my own steam . ’
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