Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the next four [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The government 's overall aim was to freeze spending on state-owned enterprises , social security and defence for the next four years .
2 Subject to budgetary approval , the plan ratified by both houses of the federal parliament will mean growth of 16 per cent pa in the science budget for the next four years .
3 He said Hong Kong could face a ‘ period of political siege for the next four years followed by an abrupt transition to a harsher and more repressive regime . ’
4 It was Alexander Herzen ( 1812–70 ) who , having emigrated to the West in 1847 , began to give currency to what was to be the dominant theme of the revolutionary wing of the intelligentsia for the next four decades .
5 The ACCA refuses to sanction the event at any other location , and Sydney , despite claiming rights to stage the race for the next four years , has yet to build a Grand Prix circuit .
6 and the party as a whole played only a junior role for the next four years .
7 So I left again and lived with this other woman for the next four years , but the relationship was ruined because Marie would n't leave us alone .
8 A suggested admissions policy for the next four years is that new first year students should be admitted each October to bring the total student numbers to 10% more than the previous October .
9 Executive Director of the Tour , Joe Flanagan , says : ‘ It is not a pleasant task to tell a girl that she is off the Tour for the next four weeks , or in a few cases , a whole year .
10 His decision was based on a prediction that South-East Asia 's economies will grow at 6.9% a year for the next four years .
11 And the National Rivers Authority has pledged to introduce 200,000 salmon a year for the next four years into the cleaned-up River Tees the first time the fish have been in the river in any numbers in the last 30 years .
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