Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [noun prp] [subord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The judge added , at p. 143 , that if Woolwich had not paid there might have been an assessment or a writ ‘ with the result in either case of highly undesirable publicity for Woolwich if it had withheld the very large sums claimed by the revenue to be due ’ and that there was an understandable fear by Woolwich of damage to its reputation .
2 The view that almost everyone except the Commission subscribed to was summed up a few years later by the UN Economic Commission for Europe when it wrote in a report on damage surveys in many countries : ‘ Research results obtained so far indicate that air pollution is an essential , causal factor in the destabilisation of forests or even in the breakdown of some forest ecosystems . ’
3 Kerrey 's withdrawal was seen as particularly good news for Clinton as it offered the prospect of removing from the campaign the rancorous legacy of the Vietnam war .
4 City sources believe MB is the most likely suitor for Caradon as it reshapes into an international trading company .
5 Mark Tran in Washington adds : Industrial nations have agreed to provide a $500million bridging loan for Poland as it embarks on its austerity programme , the US Treasury announced yesterday .
6 Also by competing it risks cannibalising its own best profit sources : IBM selling an AS/400 mini is a triumph if the buyer would otherwise have chosen a DEC VAX , but a financial disaster for IBM if it replaces an IBM mainframe .
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