Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [adj] [noun] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The problem , in other words , for the British in arguing their case for free trade is that they are up against a deep cultural divide which separates them from most of the other Member States .
2 A further key advantage for many people is that AVCs allow you to purchase ‘ added years ’ , to make up any shortfall in your entitlement to benefit under a company scheme .
3 Another difficulty for local authorities was that they had not developed a culture of objective evaluation ; few used good research methods to evaluate the costs and benefits of innovative schemes .
4 The obvious difficulty of having the same method of election for both Houses is that it would tend to produce a mirror image and devalue the House of Lords as a check .
5 The root of the confusion for later cases is that Lord Denning M.R. begins by approving of the Lord Hewart C.J. test and ends by talking of real likelihood .
6 The latter must show that the transgression was due to the act of another , and the general rule for criminal liability is that an employer will not be vicariously liable for his employee 's crimes .
7 ‘ Because some individuals might benefit more than others and the rule for public works is that all must benefit indifferently , or none may benefit at all .
8 Her criterion for any purchase was that it was the only example of its kind .
9 The acceptance criterion for this method is that , to be approved , a project 's IRR should be greater than the opportunity cost of capital .
10 Camping and caravanning is a pursuit that attracts people of all ages and walks of life , and the bonus for retired people is that they can travel when the roads are empty of working holidaymakers .
11 The disadvantage for sequential processing is that there will be several rotations during the processing of a track with overflow .
12 Since the condition for effective crack-stopping is that we have to weaken the material by a factor of five , the process does not sound a very promising one .
13 The basic plan for joint honours is that both subjects are taken in the first and second years ; then , in the third and fourth years selected parts of the honours courses in mathematics and the other subject are taken .
14 Thus , the legislation was extended to prohibit a supplier from imposing any contractual requirement upon a reseller to maintain prices , or from refusing to supply resellers where the basis for such refusal is that the resellers have been cutting prices .
15 The basis for that submission was that the officers ought to have arrested offenders as soon as they had sufficient evidence .
16 The policy basis for this solution is that it is desirable that some points of law of general public importance be finally resolved by the House of Lords .
17 Of course the public only wanted entertainment , but the point for intellectual observers was that the public had only wanted it on their own terms and so the story of film was the story of how the masses had dragged it down to their own level .
18 The only area that I 'm saying is in need for careful consideration is that related to risks associated with the possibilities of food poisoning and very high-risk food handling .
19 One of the great attractions of DIY for many householders is that it avoids the notoriously difficult relationship between householder and the professional builder or decorator .
20 The advantage of using d'Compress as the launch pad for other programs is that you can use the facilities of d'Compress to gather the files together , a stage that would otherwise have to be done in the DOS window .
21 Part of Kinsbourne 's evidence for this view is that on tachistoscopic tasks for which no left.right hemifield asymmetry is normally observed concurrent verbalisation can induce a left.right difference in favour of the right visual hemifield .
22 However , the price for these advantages is that there are greater formalities in getting a company off the ground , and considerably more public scrutiny and accountability as a going concern than in the case of partnerships .
23 Worse news for complacent Germans is that Chancellor Helmut Kohl told parliament yesterday that Germany must overhaul its social , economic and educational systems if it is to remain a leading industrial power : Germany has the shortest working week , the oldest students and the youngest pensioners among industrial countries , and that this undermines competitiveness — ‘ a successful industrial nation , a nation with a future , can not be organised like a collective amusement park . ’
24 He merely notes that the bad news for technological illiterates is that the world is not as they think it is , and if they are interested in the truth his book will fill some gaps .
25 The bad news for small-time acts is that this exploratory role has diminished significantly over the last ten years .
26 The saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs which are needed in the area .
27 Now one of the interesting things about this is that they 've worked out , in order to erm achieve our sales forecast , erm the impact of recruitment for each branch is that we need a net growth in branch of one plus one for every er on every month .
28 The only blot for scintillating Wigan was that Offiah handed Great Britain coach Mal Reilly a World Cup scare after limping off with damaged knee tendons .
29 The message for this chapter is that the questions we are asking about firm structures have to be comparative institutional ones .
30 The rationale for budgetary accounting is that the budget and accounts should be continuously compared so that action can be taken to correct variances .
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