Example sentences of "[noun sg] in the [noun] and it " in BNC.

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1 Some 40 per cent of women with gonorrhoea are found to harbour the bug in the rectum and it is clear that in only a minority of cases has the gonococcus been ‘ placed ’ there .
2 no , that 's a bad one , the er power supply to the machine , the lead it was , there was a break in the circuit and it kept going on and off , so actually I was switching it on right , it just was n't coming on , so she says oh use it by the battery cos its battery as well as electric
3 Oxford University 's presence has led to claims that this seat has the most sophisticated electorate in the country and it 's what makes the contest in Oxford West and Abingdon so interesting .
4 If a bank is not recognized , it can not use the word ‘ bank ’ in its title ( unless it is an overseas bank operating in the UK and it is made clear that it is using the title ‘ bank ’ because it is entitled to do so in its country of origin ) .
5 That 's right , yes and actually I 'll digress to tell you ssh that erm this poem is published in a book by Ted Hughes a book called Poetry in the Making and it comes from a chapter called Capturing Animals .
6 ‘ There is only one window in the kitchen and it was previously furnished in oak which made it very dark .
7 Despite the general activities there is menace in the air and it is not long before the rival factions of Montagues and Capulets are fighting and deaths occurring before the lovers even meet .
8 A joint communiqué made no reference to the formation of an Arab force for deployment in the Gulf and it was resolved to reconvene in April 1992 .
9 He smiles at the reflection in the mirror and it too adopts the smile that says nothing .
10 Dad that , they ca n't have toast cos there 's bread in the freezer and it 's , there 's not enough time to get it out and defrost it .
11 And then there was a study into and area of Belfast where most of the men were unemployed and it was the women who were going out to work in the factory and it was found to be the other way round , and the women spoke more of a non-standard than the men did when the men were staying at home .
12 It is being sold as a war in the U.S. and it has reached an emotional level to equal that of contests of a more combative nature like boxing or American football .
13 Lawrence said : ‘ United are the best team in the country and it is important we do ourselves justice .
14 Deer stalking takes place in the autumn and it is only fair to keep off areas when casual walking could spoil someone 's expensive sport — and where we run the risk of a high velocity bullet through our skulls .
15 There are two crystallographically independent copies of the sCD2 molecule in the crystal and it is striking that this association occurs , in similar forms , for pairs of both copy 1 and copy 2 molecules ( the two versions are compared in Fig.5 a ) .
16 I mean , it 's partly I suppose because I do n't watch a lot of football , but women 's football is not generally , it 's occasionally you get an article in the press and it 's seen as a kind of freakish thing !
17 And Hardy 's were probably the best known fishing tackle shop in the world and it got into the hands of one of the Hardy 's brothers and he said , ‘ May we market it under your name ? ’ and I said , ‘ My God , I 'd rather have that than a knighthood ’ — this was some years ago — and then Hardy 's were rationalized , which means of course that everything costs twice as much and there was n't as much in the shop .
18 I had a slow-growing tumour in the lung and it would take time to reach obnoxious proportions , but as sure as the moon will rise and set and the tides with it , so my tumour would go on grinding away until …
19 There was a dining-table against one wall in the room and it was now covered in a snowy white tablecloth and held all the trappings of breakfast .
20 The British Open is the finest major in the world and it 's much fairer than ours .
21 For if we are to follow through the themes outlined in Chapter 3 , then the process which is identified as ‘ depoliticization ’ is nothing more than the gradual erosion of the supremacy of explicit political content in the press and it is not germane to any specific period .
22 He said he lost the ball in the lights and it 's a fact that the lights at Ibrox are very bright . ’
23 And in the last twenty minutes of the play they get a emotional kick in the stomach and it 's gut wrenching .
24 ‘ It 's my own fault — there were times when there was no real leadership in the county and it was easy to let things slip . ’
25 Spent last night in the tube and it was , oh , awful getting here . ’
26 A seasoned assessor will soon spot someone who is not taking an active and full part in the activity and it will be regarded as no better than trying to force your way on to the centre stage .
27 INRA and ITCF ) has proved the agricultural efficacy of fertiliser applications on upland pasture in the Auvergne and it may be that their use would be more commonplace if state subsidies were higher .
28 ‘ He just could n't believe there was that much money in the world and it was coming to him , ’ said Sybil at the time .
29 ‘ Oh , and Miss Hardbroom , I 've just remembered , there is a frog in the pond and it really is someone under enchantment .
30 I could make out a younger Conchis in the centre , wearing a straw hat and shorts , and there was one woman , a peasant-woman , though not Maria , because she was Maria 's age in the photo and it was plainly twenty or thirty years old .
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