Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [pers pn] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The team needs to be in relationship with the leader , and to have confidence in him and so plant from strength .
2 In the attempt to provide good influences , officers were advised to cultivate personal contacts : to become friends with the boys , to invite them home for tea and to visit their homes ; they were to encourage their charges to have confidence in them and never to break faith ; above all , they were told , never ‘ miss an opportunity of strengthening your hold over them ’ .
3 The world has lost confidence in us and now doubts Britain 's ability to successfully deal with its economic problems — this at a time when we are major producers of oil !
4 Crucially the second Republic failed to materially improve the lot of the majority of the Spanish people who lost faith in it and eventually rejected it .
5 If the compartment is large enough and the bag is small enough , you can put the whole bag in the compartment , tear a small hole in it and immediately slide the glass across before the ants have had time to escape .
6 So Johnny took her hand in his and lightly began to kiss her fingertips .
7 It was another windy , sunny day , the brilliant February sun which has no strength in it but still gives the reassurance that summer will come and a sun will shine with real warmth again .
8 It was her who put her trust in him and then turns on him as illustrated on this page .
9 While you 're waiting for the kettle to boil get a cup from the cupboard and put one so , erm teaspoonful of coffee in it and then put two spoonful of sugar .
10 Melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan and cook the onion in it until lightly coloured , about 5–8 minutes .
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