Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [art] years [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , RENFE benefited from its special status as a symbolic embodiment of the processes of democratization in the years following the death of Franco .
2 The book was influential in the abolition of the tied cottage in the years following the war .
3 Employment in the years following the childrearing phase is also important in enabling married and divorced women to obtain a significant improvement in their occupational pension entitlement , and reduce the concentration of poverty among elderly women .
4 He begins with a complimentary description of the walled orchard , which had survived the destruction of the castle in the years following the ‘ 45 .
5 Securing the suppression of the foreign slave trade might be achieved in part in wartime by naval power but otherwise was mainly seen as requiring lobbying of and consultation with ministers , communicating with British diplomats and naval commanders for information and to provide stimulus to intervention in particular cases and pressing arguments upon foreign leaders , particularly during the Congress phase of European diplomacy in the years following the defeat of Napoleon .
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