Example sentences of "[noun sg] and that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Fuchs claims that he repeatedly warned the city council of the administrative shambles in his museum and that he had proposed to bring in management consultants , a request which was refused on grounds of cost .
2 I had to keep reminding myself that the plans we 'd had were n't just a dream and that he had loved me .
3 It 's common talk that Alfred is round the twist and that he 's got worse recently , since his mother died .
4 I was told that the manager had gone to lunch , and when I asked for him to be bleeped I was told again that he had gone to lunch and that he had left his bleep at the switchboard — all in a tone that suggested that this was standard behaviour .
5 Contemporary reaction to this magnificent poem is typified by a critic in The Monthly Review in 1763 who thought he knew that Smart was forbidden the use of writing materials in the asylum and that he had written it ‘ with the end of a key , upon the wainscot ’ .
6 He replied that he had tried to get an attorney to break the contract and that he had spoken to this lawyer and that lawyer .
7 In a This Week interview screened by Thames Television in June , Mr Ryan , 59 , admitted he was a republican sympathiser and that he had bought electronic equipment , which it is alleged found its way into IRA bombs .
8 Rachel glanced quickly at David , wondering if that statement was going to be the closest he came to admitting that the care of Jennifer should have been his responsibility and that he had opted out , but his expression remained impassive , giving away nothing of his feelings .
9 Together with H. McCleod Frazer of the Silver Badge Party for ex-Servicemen , Beamish displayed a notice at Charing Cross in 1919 which alleged that Sir Alfred Mond was a traitor and that he had allocated shares to Germans during the war .
10 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that he has listened to hon. Members and representatives of people with disabilities who are worried that the additional room or larger property that they need to accommodate their disabilities might take them into a higher band and that he has decided that any such people should fall within one band lower than would otherwise be the case ?
11 It was very hard indeed to believe she had walked in there with a wolf creature and that he had drawn her down onto the forest floor and made love to her …
12 A 16 year old who spoke at a Young Enterprise presentation admitted that he was not much of a public speaker and that he had become disaffected with school where he had ‘ failed ’ regularly .
13 He said his lawyer had persuaded him to contest his father 's will and that he 'd regretted it ever since .
14 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
15 The following afternoon , the appointments committee told him that they had offered the job to the other man and that he had accepted .
16 It seemed that she had had a row with her man and that he had left .
17 Daum later explained his Hanover confession , saying that he was not a doctor and that he had mixed up one or two things .
18 A contemporary physician in Barcelona , Dr Diza de Isla , wrote that syphilis had been unknown until that date and that he had treated members of the crew for ‘ bubas ’ and the ‘ serpentine disease ’ .
19 However , there are still many who feel that Beattie is the victim of a serious miscarriage of justice and that he has served almost 20 years for a crime he did not commit .
20 His answer was that the village was in no worse state than when he bought the estate and that he had spent over £3000 on improvements though the villagers were legally liable to the cost .
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