Example sentences of "[noun sg] and be [vb pp] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Sikhism is a comparatively new religion and is meant to be a religion of reform which rejects both the caste system and the oppression of women .
2 If , for example , a GEMM has acquired an unusually large amount of a particular stock and is known to be keen to sell , other market makers may cut dealing prices ; conversely , if a GEMM is known to want to buy large amounts of stock , other market makers may raise prices .
3 A medical history , electrocardiograph , blood pressure , and standard laboratory findings were obtained before the experiment and were found to be negative or normal Haematocrit was also obtained 24 hours after the experiment .
4 The fire , at Cragside , was in a first floor bedroom and was believed to be caused by electrical equipment overheating .
5 The team is to be lead by Dr. Boris Babaian of the Russian Academy of Science , inventor of the Elbrus-3 supercomputer which was developed for the Soviet space programme and is reported to be three times faster than a Cray Y-MP .
6 In the west , however , the acupuncture meridians and their accompanying acupuncture points were viewed with great scepticism and were considered to be merely figments of the imagination .
7 Each sub-unit is assumed to behave like an entropy spring and is expected to be large enough to realize a Gaussian distribution of segments ( i.e.> 50 carbon atoms ) .
8 This handbook now nears completion and is scheduled to be launched at a one-day conference on Health & safety organised by the NAFD .
9 Owen 's own first chosen vehicle , the co-operative community , had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable .
10 Pierre Matisse , son of the painter Henri , also had works by Miró in his own personal collection but it would appear that all the works acquired by Katshuda belonged to his gallery and were intended to be sold .
11 In other contexts the courts have taken a broad , purposive approach to the interpretation of the 1977 Act ; thus in Smith v Eric S Bush ; Harris v Wyre Forest DC [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords held that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report , which purported to prevent the surveyor owing a duty of care to the recipient of the report , was subject to s2 of the Act and was required to be reasonable .
12 Director Freddie Shepherd , meanwhile , has denied reports that he plans to sell his 7pc shareholding to chairman Sir John Hall and is expected to be appointed vice-chairman .
13 A roundabout was built at the top of Anerley Hill to provide a run-round loop and was said to be located partly in five different boroughs .
14 France recognises its poor performance in population assistance and is said to be developing a new programme , which , however , is expected to focus on public education and demographic research and training rather than family planning assistance .
15 Dr Russo stole the show with her opening remark : ‘ In France the Department of Education has the largest budget and is considered to be the most prestigious Ministry of Government . ’
16 The driver , who was normally employed as a fitter , but had some driving experience with the Corporation , was acting as a relief driver and was found to be principally to blame for the accident , because of his lack of experience , which resulted in his letting the car take the curve at too great a speed and the conductor for applying the hand brake at his end so as to lock the wheels ; he had received no instruction on the proper procedure .
17 That scepticism and memory were to be important when he became an archbishop and was expected to be a leader in the organization .
18 They work six days a week or more , on no fixed terms , with no formal protection and are expected to be available all day long including late into the evening .
19 Furthermore , when horses , mules and donkeys are pastured together a horse foal may accidentally bond to a female mule and be thought to be her offspring .
20 That case is not affected by today 's decision and is expected to be heard at the end of May .
21 Lavender oil for instance is relaxing and antiseptic and will help heal spots , whilst neroli obtained from orange blossom works well on dry skin and is said to be an anti-depressant too .
22 Denis Smith ejoyed great success with York and Sunderland … he 's got a lot of experience and is bound to be interested after being sacked from Bristol City …
23 Denis Smith ejoyed great success with York and Sunderland … he 's got a lot of experience and is bound to be interested after being sacked from Bristol City …
24 The defendants had repaired the wheel shortly before the accident and were held to be manufacturers .
25 It 's been funded by people from the town and is thought to be the first project of its kind .
26 The motions which were chosen for debate all hovered marginally above the lowest common factor of Party opinion and were designed to be carried nem con .
27 These exemplars were chosen to reflect a range of different traffic situations within each junction and were intended to be representative of the full set of 28 films of each junction available from the drives in Study 1 .
28 Events seemed to be slipping away , voices were welling from the inside and were poised to be audible .
29 He had a reputation for being tough in the water and was alleged to be a champion of ‘ localism ’ — the attitude of resident surfers who guard their break jealously and resent the intrusion of outsiders .
30 Hence , if the working fluid contains an indicator and is titrated to be close to the end-point of that indicator , the application of a voltage between a fine wire and some other point in the flow can produce a local colour change at the wire .
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