Example sentences of "[noun sg] and the [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then the March Hare and the Hatter turned to the Dormouse .
2 The county council said all children with special needs were given an individual programme and the LEA looked for a wide range of experience when recruiting .
3 A new contract between Equity and the IPA came into force during 1979 which meant that ‘ repeat ’ fees — the fees paid to an artist for each showing of a commercial — were increased fourfold , so that repeat fees for one actor for a fairly heavily used commercial could reach £20000 a year .
4 ‘ I went to look for a new car and the Lord said to me , ‘ Richie , you buy this car .
5 A two-year full-time professional training course leading to the degree of Master of Social Work and the Dip.SW awarded by the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work .
6 No timescale was placed on the proposals to limit US military influence and the USA called on the JSP to clarify its position .
7 Glen Barr of Vanguard and the UDA went to Libya to seek financial support from Colonel Gadaffi for an independent Ulster and was quickly accused of communism by Clifford Smyth , then a leading DUP Assemblyman , who told the DUP 's annual conference in November 1974 that Libya was a ‘ significant springboard for Russian subversion in Western Europe ’ .
8 He died in tragic circumstances 19 December 1933 , when crossing the railway between his home and the Swindon works in foggy weather .
9 In the first week of September representatives in Nairobi , the Kenyan capital , of the Somali Patriotic Movement ( SPM ) called on the Organization of African Unity and the UN to intervene in fighting between SPM and USC forces around the southern port of Kismayu [ for clashes in April 1991 see pp. 38136-37 ] .
10 Sometimes , in hushed voices in the evenings , I heard my mum and the Quigleys talking about money .
11 At dawn , amidst much clamour , a channel was cut through the dam and the Nile surged into the dry canal .
12 The local interests of the duke and the Woodvilles coincided at several points , notably in Wales and East Anglia , but also ( briefly ) in Richmondshire , where the queen 's mother , the dowager duchess of Bedford , held one third of the honour until 1472 .
13 The local interests of the duke and the Woodvilles coincided at several points , notably in Wales and East Anglia , but also ( briefly ) in Richmondshire , where the queen 's mother , the dowager duchess of Bedford , held one third of the honour until 1472 .
14 She was quickly set on fire by the destroyer HMS Somali and the LCAs came alongside the quay .
15 Important members of the KGB , the Politburo and the GRU walked about resplendent in clothes finely tailored by Georgi Kirov .
16 As laid down in the Mexico City agreement reached in September 1989 [ see p. 36890 ] , the first of a series of monthly meetings between high-level representatives of the government and the FMLN began in Costa Rica on Oct. 15-18 , with two bishops as mediators and with representatives of the UN and the Organization of American States ( OAS ) as observers .
17 In their first formal encounter since the founding of the African National Congress ( ANC ) in 1912 , representatives of the government and the ANC met in Cape Town on May 2-4 , 1990 , for preliminary talks aimed at removing obstacles to future negotiations on a post-apartheid constitution .
18 The government and the ANC proposed after talks last week to hold the two-day planning conference next week , but Mr Meyer said yesterday that the ANC had accepted the new date .
19 Outside the corridors the 15-year-old civil war between the government and the MNR continued with its accustomed brutality as the rebels mounted attacks in an attempt to take over positions previously controlled by the Zimbabwean army .
20 The government and the MNR agreed in principle to create a control commission comprising their own officials and representatives of the UN and other parties to be decided , which would supervise a peace agreement , once signed .
21 Despite many early problems , aircraft such as the Comet and the Britannia proved to be the equal of their US competitors , and in some ways were even more advanced .
22 One was regional : the metropolitan dynamism of the South-east and the Midlands compared with the sluggish tendencies of Lancashire and Yorkshire .
23 As a result of preliminary agenda-setting discussions on Jan. 3-4 , round table talks on political and economic reform involving the BCP , the BAPU and the UDF convened on Jan. 16 .
24 It was a rambling house and the Mollands lived in what had once been the servants ' quarters ; the vicar had the rest of the place to himself .
25 Maurin and the Josephs gaped at him , then revised some ideas .
26 Both the round table and the Volkskammer voted on Feb. 5 to ban activities of the West German neo-Nazi Republicans , whose leader had already repeatedly been denied entrance to the country in recent months .
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