Example sentences of "[noun sg] and it [was/were] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Henry Calverley , a friend of the family , asked for the arrow to use as a trophy and it was given to him on condition he solemnly promised not to reveal its origin .
2 In 1941 a bomb fell on the College and it was thought to be the end of Halling Man but the bones were found with the relative animal bones and sent to the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
3 I did his tape copy on the machine I was using for echo and it was switched to vari-speed , so the copy was played at almost half the speed and when he got it home and wanted to play it to his friends , it sounded rather strange .
4 Bror Blixen , Karen Blixen 's husband , had syphilis and it was said to be common among the Masai .
5 The guardians applied , unsuccessfully , to the Public Works Loan Board and it was left to a sub-committee , consisting of the chairman of the Finance Committee , the chairman of the Board of Guardians ( W. T. Lansberry ) and the clerk to arrange the loan elsewhere .
6 The use of small suffix letters after the fleet numbers of the cars from municipal fleets , was only regarded as a temporary measure and it was decided to renumber them , either in gaps in the L.C.C .
7 Because it was an insurance job and it was going to Scotland and they are all thick up there — too much haggis , you see .
8 It was probably the only aircraft flying the 250 miles to the Georgian capital that day and it was going to be busy .
9 I write them letters , I get people to send er like Photo Gallery in Cardiff , erm I rang them up , they were sending us stuff and it was addressed to a woman that used to be in the ph er activities officer about fou three years ago .
10 Policy makers sought to promote national health and welfare and it was considered to be in the nation 's interest to extend child and maternal welfare services .
11 But again in a wartime emergency , when one would imagine that all railway stations would be needed during a war , the axe fell again on Lyonshall Station and it was closed to all traffic on I July 1940 and abandoned .
12 Dog handlers wearing protective clothing , caged the dog and it was brought to kennels at Newhnam on Severn .
13 Claud however found it increasingly hard to earn because of his Communist past and it was left to Patricia to keep the various wolves from the door .
14 Only the first was achieved before the collapse of the Society and it was left to Philip Miller to carry on with instruction through his Dictionary .
15 She rejected him at birth and it was left to Maria Fountain from the Cotswold Wildlife Park to take on the role of Mother .
16 ‘ He just could n't believe there was that much money in the world and it was coming to him , ’ said Sybil at the time .
17 Well than the other the other thing which I think particularly in the last one that we did which was finished back in March , we kept on changing the specification , because it started off such a such and specification and it was going to the Hanover Fair in Germany
18 Ultimately the Fund was overwhelmed by claims as the merchant marine expanded in the nineteenth century and it was brought to an end in 1851 .
19 And then there was a study into and area of Belfast where most of the men were unemployed and it was the women who were going out to work in the factory and it was found to be the other way round , and the women spoke more of a non-standard than the men did when the men were staying at home .
20 Aware of the way 25,000 Boer farmers had been defeated only by ten times their number in the war of 1899–1902 , during his boyhood in South Africa , Dudley Clarke was able to interest his chief , Sir John Dill , Chief of the Imperial General Staff , in the idea and it was put to the Prime Minister .
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