Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [v-ing] that [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
2 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
3 Ronald Duncan , whom I came to know about this time ( our first meeting took place when I made a bicycle tour of Cornwall in the summer of 1947 ) , spoke of having received a telegram from Eliot cancelling an engagement and saying that he had to ‘ bury a woman ’ .
4 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
5 He was appalled at the thought of turning into a pub at five-thirty for a quiet drink and finding that it had been converted into a Poets ' Pub , ‘ reverberating , like an African village , with the roll of ‘ Drake 's Drum . ’ .
6 Paul wrote to Dr Heatherton as he had intended , thanking him for his trouble and saying that he had called in the hope of meeting him .
7 He told me how , when he had first moved there , the local MP had written to him congratulating him on his climbing and mentioning that he had had a one-legged uncle who climbed .
8 — ‘ Non , ’ Alyssia said , mastering the French word and deciding that it had a certain ring to it when used in conversation with this particular woman .
9 Then Richard returned to Poitiers and from there , on 2 February , he sent envoys to his father reporting his success and announcing that he had pacified all parts of Aquitaine .
10 That is a matter for future debate , certainly not for today when there is quite enough to be done in preparing colleges for self-governing status and ensuring that they have the support and expertise required to enable them to make a success of that .
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