Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [num] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By 1856 , owning the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 's maps , he prepared for Harrow School the Harrow Atlas of Modern Geography and one of classical geography ; and he delivered the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society , later publishing its ‘ new series ’ .
2 Two people who were members of the neo-fascist Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) and of the Orde Boerevolk ( OB ) grouping received death sentences on Sept. 13 after they pleaded guilty to seven counts of murder and 27 of attempted murder .
3 Up to the end of November this year , 367 people had been charged with terrorist offences , including 37 with murder and 75 with attempted murder .
4 The horse has great scope for facial expression due to the large number of facial muscles — 10 for the nostrils , lips and mouth and 13 for each ear .
5 Remaining funds will be allocated to individual projects , a third to public health research and two-thirds to clinical research .
6 The next morning , shortly after dawn , he had his carriage and four in glittering readiness .
7 On Jan. 25 Diana Turbay Quintero , a journalist and one of eight people held hostage for several months [ see p. 37772 ] by drug traffickers of the Medellín and Calí cartels , who called themselves the " Extraditables " , was fatally wounded , apparently by her captors , when police tried to rescue them .
8 All are of single birds — 10 seen at the coast and eight in inland localities .
9 The Helblaster has a strength of 5 at short range and 4 at long range .
10 Normal saving throw modifiers apply : -2 at short range and -1 at long range .
11 We would come into a village and 20 to 30 people would come and join us for two or three days . ’
12 The dream of the New Look has to have taken place during or after the summer of 1950 , because in it I wore one of my two summer dresses , one of green and one of blue gingham , that were made that year and that lasted me , with letting down , until I went to school .
13 FOLLOWING two years of fund raising and six to eight weeks hard net practice we set off for the Far East on December 16 , 1991 for a combined cricket and hockey tour .
14 We observed a comparable difference in the occurrence of hypoglycaemic episodes ( 234 episodes with human insulin and 259 with porcine insulin ) , which was significant ( p<0.001 by Wilcoxon signed rank test ) .
15 If satisfactory control of hypertension is not achieved with dietary modification and one of these agents , then they can be used in combination .
16 Our CF patient cohort included 117 families from two ethnic groups , 20 of Arab origin and 97 of Jewish origin .
17 LEAs in sparsely populated rural areas have to pay the most for transport , the highest being 93 per primary child and 175 per secondary child in Powys , Wales .
18 The temporary teeth consist of six incisors on both top and bottom jaw and a total of 12 molars , three on each side of the top jaw and three on each side of the bottom jaw .
19 Expressed in the simplest terms , however , normal flight depends on the creation by a propeller-like action of the wings of a zone of low pressure in front of and above the insect and one of high pressure behind and below it , the consequent movement being a resultant of the thrust provided by the insect and forces due to gravity and air-resistance .
20 Initially it was intended to select a sample of 800 teachers , 400 from primary and 400 from secondary schools .
21 I 've had him put in a strait-jacket and one of those leather masks with the little bars over the mouth hole .
22 During the placebo period five patients in the enalapril group displayed persistent high microalbuminuria and the six others low microalbuminuria , compared with six patients with high microalbuminuria and four with low microalbuminuria in the hydrochlorothiazide group ( χ² ; =1.9 ; p>0.3 ) .
23 There is a wide variation in targets , those for 1988 entry varying from 88 for applied education and 80 for English literature to 18 for German language and literature and 15 for physical sciences ( single field ) .
24 At present 16 staff are employed in the Centre , 5 funded by the ESRC , 4 by the University and 7 on other research funding .
25 The attacking force was made up of nine Blenheims from 105 Squadron and six from 107 Squadron at Great Massingham .
26 He was convicted of two charges of driving while disqualified , two charges of driving with no insurance , three of taking a car without consent , one of burglary , one of attempted burglary and one of criminal damage .
27 John Simon Howley , 36 , of no fixed abode , appeared before Darlington magistrates yesterday charged with two offences of burglary and one of attempted burglary .
28 Hetty , the child of a clergyman and one of 19 siblings , had been taught , as a child , to cry softly for fear of being beaten ; ‘ by which means , ’ she wrote , ‘ the family usually lived in as much quietness as if there had not been a child among them . ’
29 The 31-year-old ex-paratrooper 's prize for retaining his title at Wembley on Saturday night was £10,000 , which does not go far for a full-time body builder who downs half a dozen eggs after his breakfast cereal and eight to 10 chicken breasts a day when ‘ bulking up ’ .
30 Well that 's an odd number so that means there will be ten in one team and eleven in another team and the ten team someone will have to go twice .
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