Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [be] [adv] [vb pp] when " in BNC.

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1 French public opinion was enraged by the attempt and was further inflamed when it became known that Orsini 's bombs had been made in Birmingham and the conspiracy hatched in London .
2 The slander spread like wildfire and was only checked when the drunk who invented it confessed in a magistrates court .
3 Cherry went on to become a popular radio broadcaster and was sadly killed when leaving Broadcasting House during an air raid in 1940 .
4 I have concluded that either a ) the database was saved only to a floppy disk and taken away by your student , or b ) it was a WORKS database and was irretrievably lost when my hard disk crashed last year .
5 He worked at Anderson 's factory and was badly injured when a kiln in which he was working collapsed .
6 Young children do imitate the aggressive acts of televised models as much as live models ; furthermore , this effect persists over a considerable period of time and is particularly pronounced when the aggressive model is portrayed as successful .
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