Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adj] with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the conclusion of Hécaen and his colleagues ( Hécaen and Sauguet , 1971 ; Hécaen , De Agostini and Monzon-Montes , 1981 ) that familial left handers have bilateral speech , is accepted there is still the problem of distinguishing between those sinistrals with speech on the left side and those with speech on the right .
2 Shut out of her home and frantic with worry about her son , Harriet Shakespeare collapses in the arms of friend and neighbour Lucy Mallory .
3 Each question , like the course overall , is practical in focus and concerned with information about the relative strength of different alcoholic drinks , detoxification times , legal limits and medical effects .
4 Well the weather forecast for tonight in the East Midlands , rain and cloudy with mist over hills and the rain rather persistent with some heavy bursts as well .
5 The brick was a warm , russet colour and shaggy with ivy on the west façade .
6 Each of the offences is triable either way and punishable with imprisonment for two years on conviction on indictment , and summarily with six months and a fine to the statutory maximum .
7 fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away , then there were two currant buns left on the tray , two currant buns in the baker 's shop fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away
8 fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away , then there were two currant buns left on the tray , two currant buns in the baker 's shop fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away
9 two currant buns in the baker 's shop fat and sticky with sugar on the top , Peter paid a penny and took one away
10 fat and delicious with sugar on the top
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