Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She crossed the bedroom and picked up the cigar and put it back on the table .
2 A long and heart-felt kiss was interrupted by the phone and I hurried back into the bedroom and picked up the extension in time to hear Ed Grainger .
3 Initial priorities would be projects strengthening the infrastructure , privatization , reforming the financial sector , developing a productive and competitive private sector , restructuring industry , encouraging direct foreign investment and cleaning up the environment .
4 After winning the Berkhamsted he went back to his home club and picked up the Watson Trophy with a 69 .
5 He 'd been shaken , certainly , when Cedric Downes had invited him to go along to the North Oxford Golf Club and knock up the caretaker if necessary .
6 I pushed the wrench down the side of Armstrong 's driving seat and wound up the engine .
7 At last the cabby climbed up to his seat and whipped up the horse .
8 You read the reviews , make up your mind and stump up the cash .
9 Whitlock shoved him back onto a tarpaulin in the corner of the warehouse and scooped up the Browning .
10 I straightened my shoulders , choked back a small tear for the loss of a good buddy and turned up the collar of my trenchcoat .
11 However , if a cell has too much cholesterol , it can be removed by an HDL particle colliding with the cell and picking up the cholesterol that is excess to requirements .
12 He was halfway through his coffee when he swung his legs off the couch and picked up the phone to the embassy .
13 To match the pattern , turn in the side of one width of fabric and line up the pattern with the width to which it will be joined .
14 Using the information in 2 above calculate the owners equity and draw up the balance sheet of Transom Trading as at 31 December 1991 .
15 She stopped her car and bustled up the pavement .
16 In the United States during the 1920s , job security and internal ‘ job ladders ’ ( i.e. promotion from within the firm ) began to be introduced , it has been claimed , partly in order to differentiate ( the semi-skilled ) labour force and break up the sense of solidarity that united a firm 's workers in collective opposition to their employer — and they were to prove particularly effective in forestalling unionism ( Edwards , 1979 ) .
17 As I stepped out of the boat and walked up the beach , I noticed that although the sun had been very hot , the air suddenly seemed cooler .
18 Clearly this was no place for me , and having tiptoed back to the sitting-room , I switched on a light and picked up the evening paper .
19 Senna capitalised on the absence of Mansell , the one driver who could have beaten the Brazilian and wrapped up the world championship in Prost 's favour .
20 Or as Marshall P. Knutt , the conscientious sanitary engineer who gets mistaken for a hot-shot and ends up the hero of Carry On Cowboy .
21 There are five positional patterns that can be played laterally up and down the fretboard and which relate to any major scale ( and its relative minor scale ) : you 'll start on the lowest diatonic note in each key and move up the fretboard to the highest comfortable form ( more on this later ) .
22 I got half a dozen drunks and three women dressed as Mother Christmas and put them on a truck and we drove round the West End on the busiest shopping day of the year playing loud jazz and bunging up the traffic .
23 ‘ Having ignored the demand side and played up the supply side , Niskanen has unbalanced his theory ’ ( Jackson 1982 , p. 132 ) .
24 He lapsed into a sullen silence as the cab left the confines of the airport terminal and cruised up the turnpike onto the freeway .
25 With most light piston twins the only way to unfeather a propeller is to move the pitch lever into the normal range and crank up the engine .
26 It was n't like working here , where I could slip into Spanish when things got ropey , and afterwards we 'd all go to the bar and tone up the group dynamics over a few drinks .
27 So we have and erm we 're gon na open up the top bar , top bar and ripping up the carpet
28 The practice of clipping below the gallery and throwing up the fleeces to a helper to put into the barn was followed here .
29 And of course , as I 'm the Editor and set up the rules for these features , I can cheat a little bit over costs …
30 I stuck my nose in the beaker and hoovered up the aroma in the approved fashion .
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