Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [pn reflx] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her hands stole up his chest , then to his shoulders , and finally she clasped them behind his neck and gave herself up to the pleasure of the kiss .
2 The mountain shook for several long seconds , after which time they were delighted to see the Doctor hurtle out of the cave mouth and hurl himself down towards them .
3 A correspondent for Cornhill Magazine , who claimed that in order to gain an inside understanding of ‘ The Science of Garotting ’ he had visited an experienced convict in his cell and offered himself up as a guinea-pig victim , described the main elements of this ‘ most inclement ruffianism that ever disgraced a nineteenth century ’ .
4 With a muffled groan she rolled on to her side and screwed herself up into a tight ball , alternately hot and shivery with emotion .
5 I left my office chair to pine for my speedy return and took myself over to the window .
6 There was a sensuousness about it that filled him with a desire to run shouting across it , to roll in it , to bury his face in it and sniff life out of its roots , to draw up his childhood from the green stems , to lie supine and shade his eyes from the sun and dream himself back into nature .
7 She gave an irritated sigh and flung herself back on the pillows , staring straight up at the ceiling .
8 MOTORIST Nicky Lockyer left her dog in her car while she scraped ice off the windscreen and found herself out in the cold for two hours .
9 He smelled frying bacon and heard the chatter of women as he walked across the tiled hall and let himself out through a side door .
10 The bunkers ate into the fairway at around the 240-yard mark to cool the aggressive ardour of the professional golfer who might try to cut the slight dogleg and set himself up for an easier shot into the two-tier green .
11 She slid her fingers from her friend 's grasp and pulled herself up in the bed , a smile lighting up the ageing beauty of her face .
12 Gooch had a bowl , but it was an hour before the next casualty , Akram sparing Salim Malik in a misunderstanding over a third run and taking himself off on the sad trek back to the redbrick pavilion .
13 She swung her bottom south-south-west and steered herself off up the path .
14 Arty laid down his pen and geared himself up for argument .
15 She entered the kitchen and took herself over to the knife rack above the Aga .
16 After further disagreements with Hoveyda , Zahedi left the Foreign Ministry and took himself off to his fathers house in Switzerland .
17 She scuffed through the gap in the chalk circle and threw herself down on the sacks .
18 After the wedding he and Margaret and Macnab moved to another flat , in Onslow Gardens , South Kensington , where the two men issued a prospectus and set themselves up as private tutors .
19 Longing now to jump back on board , Mungo watched as the mighty engine woke from its doze and heaved itself back to wakefulness with huge , slow piston strokes .
20 So I wrote to the Warden of Spurn Bird Observatory and booked myself in for a night .
21 She was like an experienced woman , the way she moved her body and opened herself up to him .
22 And the first man who pursued me did so to gouge a small fortune out of my father , to marry his true sweetheart and set himself up in business .
23 He moved with a lithe easy grace across the room and stretched himself out in an easy chair .
24 Perdita cried unashamedly after they left , fleeing to her bare room and hurling herself down on the pink counterpane .
25 Larry gave up and left the room and threw himself on to an armchair in the living-room .
26 Neither of them now took notice of Aggie 's returning to the room and seating herself down on the leather couch .
27 Alexandra dug her toes into fissures in the canyon wall and pulled herself on to the platform which was dry and flat and sloped slightly towards the sea .
28 Gingerly he reached forward , found a wall and levered himself up against it .
29 I took a shorter way than Sapt and when I reached the moat , I hid my horse in the trees , tied my rope round a strong tree and let myself down into the water .
30 When the old publican went off his head and shut himself up in the snug with an ex-War Department Verey pistol , and shot distress signals through the serving hatch at anyone who came near ? ’
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