Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After school Rose loved to draw her out , to tease out of her reckless opinions and to watch her quick mind wheel and tack as she strained to defend what was usually insupportable .
2 Despite signing this compromise Wells remained opposed to the Accord and suggested that he wanted an extension of the deadline in order to have time to hold a provincial referendum on the issue .
3 Widgery meanwhile brandished his privately-sponsored U card and announced that he represented British student journalists .
4 Windblowers a ring and see if they 've got
5 We but ape the actions of our ancestors ; unconsciously , slavishly , those things we consider most distinctly ours — that strange interplay of mind and nerve and sinew that we term gesture — formed a hundred generations before their use in us .
6 Sometimes Frankie would curl up in the big seat and sleep until she shook him awake shortly before the second feature came to an end .
7 She said she had seen the programme and wondered if it had spoiled anything for me , but I was able to reassure her that it had improved my life .
8 However prior to taking delivery of the goods the customer changed his mind and decided that he did not want the goods after all .
9 She could not have borne it if he were suddenly to change his mind and demand that she give the whole thing up .
10 Geoffrey watched the red flush creep up James Grierson 's neck and continue until it reached his receding hairline .
11 With a loud hiccough the red-cheeked infant detached his thumb from his mouth and laughed as he held out his hand .
12 He also indicated that he had disagreed with other members of the government on the running of the education department and said that he had been " gradually marginalized within the government " .
13 I arrived slightly early ; she was n't yet home from the local girls ' school she goes to , so Elaine and I drank tea and talked while we waited .
14 Due to being hideosly shy and a little worse for the drink I did n't want to go up to some complete stranger and act like I knew him .
15 The good news this year — the year of our 35th birthday — is that we have an increase in students attending our Teacher Training Course ; we must look to the future and ensure that we have not only more teachers , but a better distribution throughout the country .
16 Pete stood in the doorway and watched as she bounced a little and made the mattress creak .
17 I checked the flotsam and jetsam as I swept over it , but there was nothing interesting-looking , nothing worth salvaging , just an old jellyfish , a purple mass with four pale rings inside .
18 I gave him a draft of the first chapter and explained that I wanted it to be the sort of book that would sell in airport book stalls .
19 And now there was rarely a day when she did n't walk the half mile over the headland to sit in Alice 's kitchen and talk and watch while she worked .
20 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
21 And she , Alexandra Maitland , had a chance to put some of her own ideas into practice and see whether they worked or not .
22 The reassuring love she had expected from the house she found in a different measure from the three little dogs , friendly , even worshipful , and proffering no accusations of her neglectful absence — their care and pleasures important to her , she leaned against the car and waited while they took to the woods and the wild .
23 The kangaroo court decided the punishment must fit the crime and ruled that he stay in his cell during the jailhouse comedy .
24 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
25 Place the key in the lock and check that it works from both sides .
26 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
27 This attitude reflects badly on the conference service industry and demonstrates that it has still not fully come to terms with the need for quality and a caring approach in its business .
28 The latter , a cashier with the company , immediately protested his innocence and said that he had been away on holiday at the time .
29 He could drive out to Wenlock Manor and dine but he had already lunched on his own .
30 Modi 's drink was wine , she said , absinthe when he could afford it ; and every night he would sit beside Nina at the Rotonde and draw while she watched him .
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