Example sentences of "[noun sg] of a [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The remote view reveals the degree of isolation of a cluster in the vastness of space ; like a fly on a blank wall .
2 Sound had vanished as well : of the blows of a wood-axe and the shout of a drover , of children calling and the crow of a cock ; the beast-sounds from the byres and the fields ; the groan and clank of a winch at a well ; the clack of loom-shuttles and women 's voices chattering over them ; the brazen voice of a meat-cauldron being scoured and the squelch and fizz of cloth being pounded at the washing-stones in the side streams .
3 Colleagues , the C E C statement report told er considered trade unions and its conclusions recommended that preliminary discussions for Transport and General on the feasibility of a merger with a report back on next year 's Congress .
4 Consider , for example , the cover-picture of a recording by the choir of Trinity College , Cambridge ; bearing the title ‘ Glorious Trinity ’ the photograph shows one of the college gate-houses and the chapel ( illus.2 ) .
5 But , thanks to the kindness of a lady in the petrol depot who agreed to phone our host when a delivery was about to be made and where , we eventually refuelled at about 9.00 am on Thursday we set out on the last leg of our journey .
6 In the orchard , twelve fires are lit and the work of placating the tree spirits begins.It 's called wassailing … after the Anglo Saxon Was Hal meaning good health.Members of Leominster Morris pour cider around the tree roots to feed it … and a piece of toast is placed in a cleft of a branch for the spirit to eat .
7 Innumerable cases have occurred in which young and zealous sub-divisional inspectors have used the police court attendance card of a constable as the only evidence worth having of the constable 's efficiency in the performance of his duty .
8 The pace of logging in the Indonesian archipelago is set to increase as a result of the lifting of a ban on the export of raw logs .
9 This emphasis , repeated by UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Oct. 23 following a meeting in London with the Amir of Kuwait , was seen as an attempt to counteract the perception of a softening in the Saudi attitude [ see below ] .
10 A Chinese master takes the full force of a spear against the throat .
11 After a few moments , the receipt and change , if any , came speeding back , arriving with a clang and the ring of a bell above the counter .
12 Both women looked up in surprise when the sharp ring of a bell from the gate announced the arrival of Madame Delon .
13 Administration of a drug to the mother also means its administration to the fetus or neonate through placental transfer or breast milk .
14 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
15 Peter Samuel of Kingfisher cited two different routes : a recommendation of a consultancy from a referral source , i.e. an executive who has come into contact with the headhunter on a previous assignment ; and by direct experience of a particular search firm from the user point of view from a Kingfisher executive who had employed that firm on a previous occasion , before he worked for Kingfisher .
16 The first decision you 'll need to make is whether to buy a basic microwave , a model with a grill , or a combination oven that integrates the speed of a microwave with the browning and crisping of conventional heat .
17 In 1897 he used the chronograph to measure the speed of a vehicle in an Oxford street , and presented the results in court .
18 In contrast ‘ The Zone of Hate ’ , painted just before the outbreak of World War One , shows the crushing of a figure into the bottom of the picture by the five personified forces of ; hate , Life , Death , Destiny and World Sorrow .
19 Not only are victims , particularly of personal theft or burglary , usually reluctant to become entangled with the bureaucratic nightmare that can follow the reporting of a crime to the police , but it is extremely difficult to convict anyone who possesses either a good lawyer or ‘ influence ’ .
20 She could read the geography of a life with the best .
21 Where there is more than one policy in force covering the same Insured the loss shall be shared on the basis of independent liability e.g. a claim for the theft of a watch from a holiday villa following forcible and violent entry would be covered under a Travel policy and a Home policy .
22 The issue had come to light following a break-in at the office of his solicitor ( one of a number of such incidents in recent months at premises connected with political parties or with individual politicians ) and the theft of a document on the affair .
23 Indeed , if quantum effects are neglected , the number of configurations would be infinite , since the black hole could have been formed by the collapse of a cloud of an indefinitely large number of particles of indefinitely low mass .
24 After the collapse of a section of the sixteenth-century city walls , weakened by water infiltration ( see The Art Newspaper No. 20 , July-September 1992 , p.1 ) , a Japanese consortium have come forward with an offer to supply the large sum needed for repairs .
25 ‘ Well , congratulations , ’ Guy drawled after lunch , as they drank coffee on the terrace of a restaurant with a panoramic view of the Pitons .
26 North Yorkshire County Council yesterday confirmed the closure of a home for the elderly at Royal Crescent , Whitby .
27 Such was the opposition to the plan for closure of a school in the Bro Dysynni area of South Meirionydd , put forward by an education authority panel , that one senior councillor , Dr William George , described the vote in the county council chamber as the ‘ most sweeping ’ he had ever come across .
28 There were sounds of swallowing and the rattle of a cup in a saucer .
29 But it made no mention of a halt to the mainland bombing campaign .
30 The fine church of St Wilfrid dates back to the 12th century , although there is mention of a church in the Domesday Book .
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