Example sentences of "[noun sg] of people [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , it is certainly the perception of people working in the field that the level of sign language skill exhibited by hearing people , even those who function as interpreters for deaf people , is much lower than it should be .
2 What structuralism studies about cultural phenomena is something not available ( or at least not manifestly available ) to the consciousness of people participating in the phenomenon under study .
3 He was shown a viedotape of people swimming in the Drina River in bitter winter weather after an air drop , trying to save food that was floating downstream .
4 As the ‘ degree of control a person or a collectivity of people exercises over the actions of others ’ the sociological examination of power is conventionally linked with male-oriented stratification analysis , and with the analysis of formal institutions such as government .
5 We have created a considerable number of new jobs in south Norfolk ; regrettably , some of these were at the expense of people affected by the closure of the Ipswich site , but nevertheless , such opportunities in a rural environment have been viewed very positively by the local community .
6 The gigantic man turned him slowly , against the tide of people pressing to the epicentre , and planted him squarely on his feet .
7 Family size at longer durations of marriage has been rather stable in recent years ; the similarity of family building of people born in the 1960s to that of the 1920s does not imply much reduction in family size .
8 Subsequent guidance enabled regional health authorities ( RHAs ) to pay grants to local authorities for the support of people resettled in the community from the NHS hospitals .
9 However , most modern studies on the police emphasize the variety of people attracted to the force and now focus more on styles of policing ( for example , see Black 1980 ; Broderick 1973 ; Brown 1981 ; Cain 1973 ; Muir 1977 ; Reiner 1978 , 1985 ; Shearing 1981 ; Walsh 1977 ; Wilson 1968 ) , although the idea that policing attracts people with distinct personality traits is still popular among some social psychologists ( see Colman 1983 ; Colman and Gorman 1982 ; cf. Waddington 1982 ) .
10 The vast majority of people listen during the day , and the station has a different editorial approach to its weekday daytime programmes and to its evening and weekend shows .
11 The average reading speed at which comprehension is possible varies from 200–400 words per minute — with the majority of people sticking around the 200 word mark .
12 Whilst CBHPs ( the projects providing co-ordinating staff ) are externally funded , most community effort is self-reliant which shows a powerful commitment considering that the majority of people live below the poverty level .
13 Probably , the majority of people infected with the virus of type B hepatitis will suffer no important consequences .
14 ’ Killer Bombs ’ The sirns waled , The sirne ecoed through the streets as the planes ( zoomed ) across the sky Droaned there was a quick burst of ack Ack fire Then a whistling of Bombs all around Suddenly here was silence Then a rumble , Then a boom getting louder like a volcano The sky filled smoke and flames Black Bright orange leeping through the air across the sky in the middle of the noise a child 's crying Then the shouting of people trapped in the rubble House in flames all around The loud ringing of fire engines rushing to the fire More and more voices ( shouting ) for help screaming Body lieing all around .
15 Then the shouting of People trapped in the ruble
16 But much more important for me was to be exposed to the experience of people working with the poor in the Third World whose suffering results from debt .
17 A large proportion of people employed in the borough — 23 per cent .
18 Public transport in the town was frequent and fairly cheap and a high proportion of people travelling to the shops did so by bus .
19 Yet its adoption as the language of primary education , and the increased mobility of people living in the country , means that the use of Swahili will spread .
20 This may seem inevitable as the percentage of people working in the UK in service employment rose from 49 per cent in 1963 to almost 64 per cent in 1983 .
21 If we get the right balance and range of people working for the BBC it will change and broaden the agenda of our programmes .
22 There have been reports of extrajudicial executions , killings and mutilations of civilians or captured members of armed forces and of the torture or ill-treatment of people detained by the various parties to the conflict .
23 But when convoys of vehicles arrived at the sites to start their planned test drilling in August 1986 they met a blockade of people sitting in the road .
24 LORD WEIR : The judge said there were too many incidents of vandalism to the danger of people travelling on the railways .
25 Apparently there was always a flood of people flowing through the farmhouse : friends , friends of friends , friends of friends of friends .
26 A constable was at the door to regulate the stream of people going into the chapel , and she was directed to the eastern gallery .
27 He would help the families of the bereaved immensely , and he would guarantee the future safety of people travelling on the river Thames .
28 When the congregation of the Lutheran Church gathered to hear the Word of God expounded , they expected to hear it expounded fully , and the Pastor of Tappersdorf was ready to oblige , not merely comparing the German text for the day — a reference to the doings of an obscure Old Testament prophet — with the original Hebrew , and giving a learned half-hour to an explanation of the circumstances in which the prophet lived , suffered , and prophesied , a time in which it seemed a small group of people struggled for the truth and searched for God under the shadow of huge decadent empires to the East — and the West , but he , the Pastor , was perfectly willing to apply the prophet 's message to the present day — and to present-day socialist Germany , at that .
29 Well I 'm , yeah , ern I wondered about sort of Executive Committee and er , I know you 're not very keen on that idea and it , it does tend to remove information from the ordinary members , if , if , you have a small group of people dealing with the business and , a , a separate lead .
30 The enormous park was a source of delight to most visitors — though not all — for sometimes the Empress , an indefatigable walker , would set off with a group of people to tramp through the grounds , occasionally going part of the way in a carriage .
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