Example sentences of "[noun sg] of a [noun] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The test of the usefulness of an idea is whether it contributes much or anything to meeting two dimensions of any problem :
2 The essence of a club is that it is select and private ; you can not be followed in there .
3 The essence of an objective is that it is specific , quantitative , on a time base and measurable .
4 However , the major disadvantage of an arbitrator is that , unlike an expert , he can not be sued for negligence in respect of loss or damage arising out of his decisions .
5 Another requirement for the grant of a patent is that the invention must have an industrial application but this is widely defined by section 4 of the Patents Act 1977 which states that the invention must be capable of being made or used in any kind of industry , including agriculture .
6 One advantage of a NIF is that the underwriting commitment remains off-balance sheet until it is called upon , although there is an annual commitment fee payable on the unused portion of the facility .
7 Another advantage of a NIF is that the borrower gets the advantage of guaranteed long-term floating-rate funding , yet borrows only the amount necessary to finance his short-term needs .
8 I suppose one advantage of a computer is that it can store and remember a great deal of information .
9 The advantage of a Tender is that it gives the defender the initiative in placing responsibility for further action on the pursuer 's agent .
10 But , the real advantage of a boilie is that it is so tough ( the carp do not know it is soft on the inside ) that a carp takes the bait by sucking it straight back to its pharyngeal teeth in its throat .
11 Although the plan is used to invest in unit trusts , the added advantage of a PEP is that it s free from Capital Gains Tax , which is charged on the straight unit trust mortgage .
12 One advantage of a letter is that all the points ( 1 ) to ( 4 ) can be dealt with in advance and so the interviewer is expected and time is saved in not having to go through all the verbal explanations .
13 The advantage of a lens is that it allows the image to be both sharp and bright .
14 The Victorian obsession with comfort has some relation to this conviction , for the first and even the final — test of a home is whether it makes the visitor feel at ease .
15 Also , pragmatists draw the very different moral that the test of a theory is whether it organizes our beliefs into an elegant and suggestive web of belief .
16 If the normal and primary way of justifying the legitimacy of an authority is that it is more likely to act successfully on the reasons which apply to its subjects then it is hard to resist the dependence thesis .
17 Well what they mean when they say a half of a quarter is that we had a a quarter and we 've shared it out between the two of it so we 've got half to that each .
18 Part of the charm of a sale is that the financial result is in itself a sort of critical judgement , reflecting even if not defining the taste and mood of the moment .
19 Jesus said just before he was living his disciples , his followers , you and me , he said you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me yes we witness by our life but there 's a danger in making that a cop out , because one other requirement of a witness is that they talk , they 've got ta say what they know , these four men were good witnesses , they went back and they told the city what they had found , and there 's placed upon you and me that responsibility to go back and to tell what we 've found , this is a day of good tidings , we do wrong to keep silent .
20 The vice of uncertainty in relation to the duration of a term is that the parties do not know where they stand .
21 The hon. Gentleman is asking a question which he knows will receive no answer , because the nature of a deterrent is that it remains uncertain — the nation that has it might be prepared to use it .
22 Her answer is that ‘ The whole point of a duty is that it is bounden or binding ’ ( 1983 : 52 ) .
23 The fundamental design concept of a microcomputer is that it should provide real computing power to tackle the same kinds of task that larger computers handle but in a machine which is almost as easy to use as a calculator and typewriter .
24 A classic definition of a state is that contained in article 1 of the Montevideo Convention of 1933 as having : ‘ ( a ) a permanent population ; ( b ) a defined territory ; ( c ) government ; and ( d ) capacity to enter into relations with other states . ’
25 The price intellectuals pay is that they are dependent on the government for both professional and financial recognition , since ‘ the most important definition of an intellectual is that he should be recognised by the government as such ’ ( Riding : 1986 , p. 428 ) .
26 The penalty to be paid for the use of a VCID is that the system is slower to accelerate .
27 Our response to talk of the birth of a daughter is that a daughter was born , provided of course that the talk and the child are separated ( that same device ) by a long period of time and a reasonable number of pages .
28 Otherwise , the significance of a deposit is that it needs to be paid when contracts are exchanged .
29 A different possible interpretation of a contract is that , not the buyer , but the seller has undertaken to accept the risk that the goods might not exist , i.e. he has undertaken as part of the contract that the goods do in fact exist .
30 The key feature of a CD is that it can be sold by the holder in a secondary market , prior to maturity .
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