Example sentences of "[noun sg] of this [noun] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The point generally made in corroboration of this theory is that his poetry is marked by images of sterility and mechanical lust , and that the excised passages of The Waste Land which have now been published contain evidence of pervasive and sometimes bitter misogyny .
2 One way of thinking of this result is that variations in g cause simultaneous variations in the actual and the natural level of output : a higher value for g implies a lower natural and actual level of output .
3 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
4 What must be clear in a transcript of this kind is that a great deal of interpretation by the analyst has gone on before the reader encounters this ‘ data ’ .
5 The result of this change was that one could no longer rely on notions of ‘ sinfulness ’ being used with regard to certain acts .
6 One result of this change was that the number of households enumerated was about 300 thousands more under the new definition or about 13 per cent ( Todd and Griffiths , 1986 ) .
7 Mr Brown said : ‘ The result of this Budget is that taxes on petrol , cigarettes and alcohol are up , national insurance and VAT are to rise , mortgage tax relief has been cut .
8 The result of this link is that the most efficient producers tend to have the shortest development lead time .
9 One result of this attitude was that the strain placed by warfare on the economies of most European States was less than the mere number of men engaged in fighting might seem to indicate , since these were drawn so largely from the least productive elements of society .
10 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
11 ‘ The result of this treatment was that Charles grew up needing both affection and assurance . ’
12 The result of this approach is that most capital instruments are reported as liabilities .
13 The result of this approach is that it is not necessary to retain all of the information stored in the interface for all words in the text .
14 The result of this dichotomy is that the employer who can rely on the right to protect his business secrets is much more likely to succeed in court than when he seeks to enforce a traditional restraint of trade clause .
15 The result of this strategy is that I 've never missed a plane in twenty-eight years of international travel — except once .
16 The result of this search is that Eccleshall finds the lemma of Conservatism in ‘ a particular conception of the political order ’ .
17 The result of this Meditatio was that the monk or nun experienced the truths of faith in an entirely new way .
18 The result of this situation was that a key worker system for dementia sufferers did not operate .
19 The result of this option is that the state of the DC is changed to ACTIVE , thus fulfilling LIFESPANs requirement for a DC to be active through only one package .
20 The result of this ineptitude was that I was rumbled as a single parent within days , if not hours , and subsequently approached as if I were a fatal poison masquerading as a person .
21 One of the advantages of a quantitative study of this sort is that it is possible to view at a glance a collected set of responses .
22 Erm , my fear of this report is that we are actually erm , it shows to me a certain level of complacency .
23 The family who has to care for children whether they 've got disabilities or not and the whole intention of this Act is that children are best cared for by parents and any alternative is second best .
24 The practical effect of this provision is that if an MNP is formed by , say , a merger of a foreign legal firm and an English firm , the firm name used by either may be adopted as the name of the MNP if it is made up of the names of present or former principals who are or were lawyers ; a new name may be used derived from the names of one or more present or former principals of either firm ; a name previously approved by the Council may be used ; or application may be made for approval in writing by the Council of a name which does not otherwise comply with the requirements of rule 11(1) ( A ) .
25 The effect of this responsiveness is that they are well able to foster innovation , as they look for inventive solutions to emerging problems , but they are in no position to protect those innovations from fluctuating demand .
26 The practical effect of this wording is that for a claim to be covered the casualty must be reasonably attributable to an identifiable accident the source of which is external to the craft — thus the craft filling with water on its moorings over a period of weeks and then foundering would not be covered .
27 The effect of this lenience was that the yield of 4s. in the pound on landed incomes and 2s. 8d. on goods actually fell during Elizabeth 's reign — a period of rising prices and of growing prosperity for the propertied classes — from about £140,000 at the beginning of the reign to about £85,000 at the end .
28 The effect of this rule is that the fixed percentage or the amount of the notional pool is specified in the scheme , but the amount of the distributable pool can be determined only after a profit period has ended .
29 The effect of this rule is that at least one share must be owned by a solicitor ; and that the only persons who may own shares in a recognised body are solicitors and RFLs .
30 The effect of this endorsement is that in the event of a claim where the sum insured is inadequate , any payment would be limited to the same proportion which the sum insured bears to the value of the property at the time of the loss .
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